Cosmopolitan (UK)

We promise drunk Monopoly is not one of them…



Trade your balls for bells, and your beer for Baileys. The rest of the rules are the same – set up a triangle of glasses filled with booze at each end of a table and take it in turns to launch a bell into the other team’s cups. If you get it in, one of their team must down the cup’s contents. The winners are the ones who clear the other team’s cups the quickest.


Take it in turns to whisper questions to each other, where the answer is another person in the room, eg who took off their clothes and fell asleep under their desk at the work Christmas party? The responder says the answer out loud. If a player wants to know the question, they must drink.


Invest in a Jenga set and write a different rule on the top of each wooden block – like ”drink two fingers of your drink” or “do an animal impression”. The more you play (and drink), the clumsier your game will be.


Players sit in a circle around a bar of chocolate, hat, scarf, knife, fork, and pair of oven gloves, and take it in turns to roll a dice. If they throw a six, they put the items on and try to cut up the chocolate using the cutlery. When the next person rolls a six, they take over. The game ends when the bar is eaten.

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