Cosmopolitan (UK)

Priya Shah, 27, consultant and founder of BAME In Property


“I was once told I was included in a certain project because I’m female and an ethnic minority. My boss told me I ‘ticked boxes’. I told him it was inappropri­ate to say that – he could have just said, ‘We think you’re great’ – but the damage was done.

I was also called an ‘Indian princess’ by a client and no one called it out. He was joking but it made me feel they didn’t take me seriously or see me as an integral part of the team. Both these experience­s affected how I contribute­d at work, because I didn’t feel as confident.

It’s also hard to network when people all go to the same ski resorts and love drinking together. I’m not from a wealthy background and don’t drink much. The problem is, bosses hire and fire in their image, which creates an echo chamber. Companies need to change the culture at work by hiring diverse people, and ensuring they stay by supporting them.”

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