Country Life

Where I keep my medal


Despite the blood, sweat and tears involved, not every athlete can remember where their medal is kept

Sir Ben Ainslie, sailor Gold at Sydney 2000, Athens 2004, Beijing 2008 and London 2012 ‘They’re at home in an old wash bag, although I’m not quite sure where. We’ve moved several times, so they don’t have a permanent home yet’

Sir Chris Hoy, cyclist Gold at Athens, Beijing and London ‘They’re all in a safe at my bank as I’m never really at home. If I lost them in a burglary, I’d be devastated. When I do get them out, it’s fantastic to see them again’

Harry Reynolds, cyclist Silver at Melbourne 1956 ‘It was on display in my trophy cabinet for years, but I’ve since discovered it’s worth more than £10,000, so I’ve moved it somewhere safer’

Sharron Davies, swimmer Silver at Moscow 1980 ‘It’s wrapped up in an East German swimming suit that I swapped mine for’

Kriss Akabusi, sprinter Silver at Los Angeles 1984 ‘I’m not sure everybody believes me, but I’ve carried mine in my pocket every day since’ Steve Backley, javelin Silver at Atlanta 1996 and Sydney ‘In a toilet bag—where else?’

Tony Jeffries, boxer Bronze at Beijing ‘It’s almost worn out because everybody in Sunderland, including Sir Alex Ferguson, Sir Bobby Charlton and Bryan Robson, has had it round their neck at some time or other’

Katharine Merry, sprinter Bronze at Sydney ‘In a taped-up freezer bag in my “messy” drawer in the kitchen. I actually received two medals—the original broke’

Michael Mcintyre, sailor Gold at Seoul 1988 ‘In a glass-fronted box hanging on the wall outside my toilet. It seemed like a perfectly normal place’

Leon Taylor, diver Silver at Athens ‘In an old sock. It fits perfectly’

Cassie Patten, swimmer Bronze at Beijing ‘In a small, drawstring bag in my underwear drawer—although I shall now move it in case burglars look there!’

Ray Stevens, judo Silver at Barcelona 1992 ‘In an old box, under a pile of papers. Considerin­g what I had to go through to win it, I should probably have it mounted on the wall’

Jane Holderness-roddam, eventer Gold at Mexico 1968 ‘I haven’t been able to hold my medal for years. We were burgled in the 1990s and they tried to smash the cabinet in the drawing room. We’ve since lost the key, so it’s slowly tarnishing black’

Steve Batchelor, hockey Gold at Seoul ‘I’ve moved it around various hiding places in the house. There have been a few sweaty moments when I couldn’t remember which one’

Jamie Baulch, sprinter Silver at Athens ‘I lost it for six months, only to discover it in the bottom of my son’s toy box. Now, it’s in my sock drawer’

Mark Covell, sailor Silver at Sydney ‘It’s in my size 17 boot. The problem is, I don’t always put it in the same boot. I guess it puts a different slant on the silver slipper’

Daisy Berkeley, eventer Bronze at Beijing ‘It hangs around the neck of a statue of Buddha, which was handed down from my grandmothe­r, in the corner of our living room’ JT

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