Country Life

Are you a gentleman?

It’s easy to claim to have manners, but actions speak louder than words. Take our quiz to find whether you make the grade–if you have to lie to garner the desired result, don’t bother finishing. You are not a gentleman


Take our quiz to find out whether you make the grade

1. In what circumstan­ce would you hold a door open for someone?

a) If I had made eye contact and therefore felt obliged to b) Never—i had to open it myself, didn’t I? c) I always would, even for my worst

enemy d) If they were particular­ly attractive

2. How do you approach timekeepin­g?

a) I do attempt to be on time, even if unsuccessf­ully b) I make a point of being late to establish my dominance c) I factor in extra time and am usually early d) I don’t really think about it—i arrive when I arrive

3. What would you do upon meeting someone for the first time?

a) Give them a nod and wait to be introduced b) First, attempt to establish whether they’re worth knowing c) Shake their hand warmly and introduce myself d) Finish whatever I was doing, then say hello

4. How would you end a romantic relationsh­ip?

a) On the telephone, to avoid the awkward

encounter b) Silence—they’ll get the message

eventually c) With complete honesty d) Face to face, but only once cornered

5. When is it acceptable to tell a lie?

a) When it makes your life easier without

causing real harm b) Whenever you need to c) Never—just don’t do anything you

would need to cover up d) White lies make the world go round

6. How much do you tip in restaurant­s?

a) I just leave whatever coins I have on me b) I don’t tip, I’ve already paid for my food c) At least 10%, but often more for really good service d) It depends if I want to impress whoever I’m with

7. Do you like children?

a) Not really, but I’ll keep an eye on them if no one else is available b) Love them, but I couldn’t eat a whole one c) They’re always drawn to me and I enjoy their company d) Yes, although I did once drop a baby when showing off

8. What’s your signature dish?

a) Takeaway b) I’ve never had to cook for myself or anyone else c) I can cook most things, but make a particular­ly good paella d) I’m not bad at beans on toast

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