Country Life

Town Mouse

Uniform crisis


THE working week began with a frantic earlymorni­ng search for a school tie. There were loud, accompanyi­ng laments that appearing incorrectl­y dressed would certainly result in a ‘demerit’. I have no idea what the consequenc­e of a demerit is, but, as a spur to action, it seems much more effective than anything I threaten at home. The tie, however, was nowhere to be found. Under pressure of missing the train, I offered to make up for the deficiency with a striped silk tie of my own.

Urging the child out of the door, I gave unconvinci­ng assurance that no one would notice the difference and told them to search at school; perhaps it had been left in the changing rooms after games? I also issued strict injunction­s that the loaned tie was neither a napkin for use at table, nor a rope for tug of war. Whether or not there was a school search (I’m doubtful, despite assurances), it yielded nothing. That’s because, some days later, the tie turned up in the laundry basket, having been carelessly gathered up with a pile of dirty clothes. I was teasingly informed that the fault was mine: it would never have gone missing if I hadn’t insisted that the bedroom be tidied.

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