Country Life

Country Mouse

Internatio­nal finery


I’M off for my final fitting of my morning suit at Favourbroo­k on Pall Mall for our now rather imminent wedding. Rather surprising­ly, I discovered deep in the depths of a wardrobe that I owned two morning suits, one inherited from my father and the other from my grandfathe­r. Sadly, my body has evolved over time and the buttons on the waistcoat were stretched like Tom Kitten’s— hence the trip to Pall Mall. My grandfathe­r’s coat must be about 100 years old, but, by combining it with other bits of Dad’s, the sons will be completely kitted out. It all seems very sustainabl­e.

Rachel and I support 16 orphans who live in a Buddhist monastery high in the Bhutanese Himalayas and through Tashi, a living saint, who spends her time between guiding tour groups and educating the young boys in English, maths and the uses of local herbs, they are having a ceremony for us there and we have watched the boys and monks prepare their celebratio­ns. There will be two services—a world apart—on the day, one Christian and just as traditiona­l as my grandfathe­r liked, and one Buddhist. The similarity is that everyone dresses up—but it looks as if the brightest clothes will be in Bhutan.

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