Country Living (UK)



Champion your difference. You can’t compete with the price of mass-produced products, so you need to give people a reason to pay more. If you’re hand-crafting, using British wool or products you’ve grown yourself, then tell them!

Curated craft events can be

very useful. They are a great way to showcase your products – although I have also learnt that just because a fair is more expensive, it doesn’t mean you’ll sell more!

It’s important to get your branding

right. A lot of people skimp on things such as a logo, website and social media accounts, but there’s much more to it. Before you launch your own business, invest in a designer and go on a marketing course.

To enter into awards. I’ve had so much free promotion from awards and accolades, including being featured in Kate Humble’s television series Back to the Land and taking part in the Country Living Pop-up Market* last year, as well as being shortliste­d in the Rural Business Awards.

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