Country Living (UK)



900-27BC ETRUSCAN CROWNS the Etruscan rulers in southern europe wore crowns of ivy, oak and myrtle leaves, fashioned from gold and other precious metals. the practice was later adopted by roman leaders.

776BC GRECIAN GAMES in greek mythology, the all-powerful god apollo wears a laurel wreath, which is why it was used to crown victorious athletes in the original olympic games. during this period, the practice of displaying ‘harvest wreaths’ also began, to please the gods and ensure a good crop.

395-476AD ROMAN REWARDS in addition to being worn by leaders of the roman empire, gold wreaths were awarded to soldiers for gallant military conduct.

1400-1700 PURITAN POLITICS protestant reformers tried to ban wreaths, even raiding may day celebratio­ns to confiscate these alleged ‘tokens of paganism’.

1839 GERMAN LESSONS a pastor in germany created the first ‘advent wreath’. during his mission work, children kept asking if christmas had arrived yet. to demonstrat­e the passage of advent, he attached candles to an old cartwheel, large white ones for each sunday and small red ones for each day in between.

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