Country Living (UK)

The coolest way to shop

Fall in love with frozen foods, thanks to Fieldfare’s “scoop your own” philosophy and a versatile range to suit any occasion


So often, our freezers serve as a store for nothing more exciting than bags of chips or longforgot­ten leftovers; an icy pantry that we turn to for quick fixes rather than special occasions. But there is a more inspiring way to shop for frozen foods that can transform your mealtimes, and it’s a more sustainabl­e choice, too.

Kent-based business Fieldfare has spent years perfecting a unique loose frozen foods model that allows you to buy exactly what you need, whether you’re dining à deux or cooking for a crowd: think the joy of the pick-and-mix counter of your childhood, but with fruit and vegetables, baked goods, fish, pies and more.

This distinctiv­e “scoop your own” method of shopping cuts down on waste twofold: not only can you measure out exact portions, minimising potential leftovers, but you can also reduce packaging by bringing your own container to fill (although if you forget, fear not – biodegrada­ble bags are supplied).

From juicy berries and pre-chopped Tuscan roasting vegetables to individual all-butter croissants ideal for weekend brunching, the range is vast and deliciousl­y tempting. All of the produce is frozen at its peak to ensure optimum nutrition and freshness, with no need to worry about sell-by dates.

You can even rely on Fieldfare’s products when it comes to entertaini­ng, whether you’re fine dining at home with friends or hosting big family gatherings. Showstoppi­ng dishes such as creamy Coquilles St Jacques, chicken en croute or potato gratin can be popped straight into the oven, no prep required.

Bring out the indulgent Belgian chocolate torte or some delicious Portuguese tarts for dessert and no one will ever guess you simply pulled everything out of the freezer. Unless you want to share your secret and let them discover the delights of Fieldfare for themselves, that is!

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