Country Walking Magazine (UK)

Your letters, emails & posts

- Phil Foster, Email

You ruddy lovely lot!

Having recently taken up walking and started a local walking group, we love to get out and explore all manner of paths. The thing we all notice is how the humble walker is expected to give way to every other user of the paths we share.

Cyclists may ring their bells to warn you they are coming through, yet never alight to allow our group past them.

Runners just keep a pace and carve a course through any brave enough to keep on track. Dog walkers seem oblivious their hounds are sniffing everyone.

The biggest problem is when you meet another walker coming toward you – both greet each other and say ‘After you’ which leads to a bout of Chuckle Brother to-ing and fro-ing.

At least while we may be at the bottom of the pecking order, we are the kindest people you will meet on a walk.

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