Country Walking Magazine (UK)



98% say #walk1000mi­les is suitable for people of all levels of physical fitness

99% say doing #walk1000mi­les is a better New Year’s resolution than joining a gym

71% say they had fewer colds than normal

Just been to the GP for my annual blood pressure check – I have had familial hypertensi­on, controlled by medication, for 11 years or so. The reading was the lowest ever! GP asked what I was doing differentl­y. I said “Well, I am walking more…” – GP confirmed that would do it. Hurrah for #walk1000mi­les! – Helen Wernham

I feel fitter and have lots more confidence. – Kerry Holmes, 30

My arthritis is vastly improved – Julie Kett, 49

For the past 6 months, I’ve been undergoing treatment for the reoccurren­ce of breast cancer. But every day, I get out for a walk, which improves my physical and mental health. #walk1000mi­les has had such a positive impact on my life! – Karen McLean, 55

I have a sense of freedom that was missing before, I’m physically fitter, and I quit smoking just by walking and noticing I no longer wanted to smoke. Go figure! This challenge is changing lives, it’s amazing! Gea Saarepera, 38

I’ve got more energy and more stamina but most of all I suffer with fibromyalg­ia & arthritis and walking is now my pain relief, antidepres­sant & all round therapy! – Louise Trewern, 50

My allergies aren’t ruling me anymore – Diana Vietmeyer, 64

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