Country Walking Magazine (UK)

Soviet spies in the Wye Valley

Complete with footpaths, pronunciat­ion guides and population numbers – secret Soviet cold war maps of our countrysid­e were even better than our own.


How did the Russians have better maps of our countrysid­e than us?

THE MEANDERS OF the river and its north-south, wood-enfolded orientatio­n tell you this is the Wye Valley, from Monmouth to Tintern Abbey; the Cyrillic script that something very odd is going on here. This is a map produced – unbeknowns­t to the West – in November 1981 at the Dunayev factory in Moscow, in part of a vast, secret Soviet project to map the world.

“The average Brit at the time would have been horrified to know maps like this existed” says John Davies, co-author of The Red Atlas, “Because it reveals the extent of Soviet surveillan­ce and espionage.”

John found the map in Riga, Latvia in the early 2000s. “The maps had been held in depots across the Soviet Union, ready to be requisitio­ned by locallybas­ed officers to be sent on missions” he says.

The maps were based on many different sources – including satellite spy photos, smuggled OS maps and to an unknown degree, boots on the ground. Detail was bafflingly rich in cities – including bridges’ loadbearin­g capacity, building material and clearance for boats, and in the countrysid­e details like spot-heights were far more numerous than on British walkers’ maps. Chillingly, perhaps, “Place-names were spelled out phonetical­ly in Cyrillic script, so that native Russian speakers could pronounce them and be understood by locals” says John.

Yet it’s in the very detail, he says, that – had we sight of these maps at the time – fears of nuclear armageddon should have been allayed. “There’d be no point in creating such detailed maps, plotting every footpath and farmhouse, if they were planning to nuke Britain – it wouldn't look much like the map afterwards.”

Instead suggests John, the USSR was compiling a world-wide, ‘ Wikipedia’ of geographic informatio­n, pending the time the whole world became communist: “Then the USSR would be in charge and they would need to know about everywhere.”

 ??  ?? TINTERN ABBEY When tiny farms and homesteads were labelled, way was a major cultural landmark like Tintern Abbey unnamed? PEACE IN THE VALLEY The view of the Wye from Bigsweir Bridge, in the centre of the map.
TINTERN ABBEY When tiny farms and homesteads were labelled, way was a major cultural landmark like Tintern Abbey unnamed? PEACE IN THE VALLEY The view of the Wye from Bigsweir Bridge, in the centre of the map.

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