Country Walking Magazine (UK)

I can't wait to...



I have a thing for gorse. It comes from growing up in the South Downs, where every hillside is dappled with the stuff. It’s also great for gear testing: whenever I have to review something that claims to be

‘abrasion resistant’, I take it through a gorse clump to see how it holds up against those snaggy prickles. Common gorse flowers all year round, but dwarf gorse and western gorse are July specialist­s, and their coconutty aroma is one of my favourite signs of midsummer. According to folklore, when gorse is out of bloom, you mustn’t kiss anyone. Intriguing­ly, some kind of gorse is pretty much always in bloom. I suspect the author of the saying was well aware of this. Nick Hallissey, Deputy Editor


As someone who gew up up on the

Isle of Wight, I particular­ly treasure the beautiful red squirrel. For so long

I was convinced they only existed on the island and felt it was a birthright that we, the islanders, were their protectors from any threat – namely grey squirrels. I recall that a few years back, someone phoned into a local radio station threatenin­g to get on the ferry from the mainland with a handful of grey squirrels! Of course, It turned out to be a slightly distastefu­l hoax, but I remember there was a genuine feeling of sheer panic. It’s illegal to bring greys to the island; the penalty is two years’ imprisonme­nt or a £5000 fine. I can’t wait to go back home this summer, to visit Robin Hill, where we will be almost certainly have the pleasure of picnicking with a scurry of handsome reds. Sara Herbert-Mattick, Office Manager


There’s nothing like a mid-walk dip to revitalise achy legs and sore feet. And much as I like a swim in a river or lake, nothing beats the sea. It might not have the curative powers touted by 18th-century doctors, but done safely*, bathing in the ocean blue is irrefutabl­y good for mind and body.

There’s the rush of mood-boosting endorphins as you take the plunge.

Embracing the cold is also proven to boost your immune system. But it’s that spaceman feeling of buoyancy that I relish most, as the saltwater lifts me off my feet and I bob about on my back like a piece of driftwood. My thoughts will drift too: to all the other living things I’m sharing an ocean with... and the microfibre towel I’m hoping is buried in my rucksack. Philip Thomas, Features Writer *Check out

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