Country Walking Magazine (UK)

Real locations for perfect days



This west coast peninsula lies beyond the high, steep pass of Bealach na Ba and at its very southern tip, beyond Toscaig and near the bothy of Uags, is a rough area of low hills and many small lochans. It’s nothing striking or dramatic; just wild and free, and the bothy’s coastal setting partly inspired the one in this story.


A bit further up the west coast there is another bothy called Craig. Although set a little bit back from the sea, I was thinking of it when I wrote this. The atmosphere inside still haunts me, in a good way, and the coastal walk to it from Diabaig or Redpoint, with the large mountains of Torridon away in the east, is a must for any walker.


Just north of Ullapool is the wonderful mountain of Ben More Coigach. It very definitely was in my mind when writing about the smallish, but challengin­g, coastal peak. The wild country it’s set in was never far from my mind.

Sandwood Bay

This long, golden beach just below Cape Wrath is special to many people; how could it not influence me? Its remote beauty enthrals and I’ve experience­d a few dramatic, fast-moving storms here.

Loch Hourn

This loch north of Knoydart was the one I had in mind. I’ve even heard black throated divers there and in early summer it is full of life: terns nest on the beaches, and eagles, ravens and buzzards are everywhere.

Rothiemurc­hus Forest

This Cairngorm woodland is special to me in that I feel I know some of its grand old pines well. Whenever I go there, I seek them out. Trees like these, even though I live many hundreds of miles away, are some of my best friends.

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