Country Walking Magazine (UK)

Get out & stay out

- Matthew Pike, Camping Guide editor

MY ELDEST SON Dylan used to be a grumpy little so-and-so. He seemed opposed to pretty much everything and everyone. The thought of our first family camping trip filled us with dread, so we trod as carefully as we could, packing the car with games and books, downloadin­g all of Hey Duggee onto the iPad, and picking a site that wasn’t too far from home... should things become unbearable.

It turns out we needn’t have worried. As soon as we arrived and opened Dylan’s car door he was mesmerised – grabbing my hand and wanting to explore even before we’d unpacked.

Yes, there was a play park and a shop selling ice lollies, but it was the sense of adventure that appealed. Hidden pathways through the trees, a lake in which to throw stones, and peers who just wanted to play outdoors.

Getting to sleep took ages. He was too excited, especially as he managed to find the emergency snack box after about 10 minutes. But he got there in the end, and once our trip was over, he demanded that we put the tent up in the garden so he could see the stars and hear the animals (including the terrifying call of a fox that nearly gave us both a heart attack).

If you’re contemplat­ing whether to take the kids camping, just get it booked. If you want to rediscover the delighted-by-every-small-thing kid-like kernel of yourself, do the same. The young and the young-at-heart thrive in that environmen­t, and whichever camp you fall into you’ll find holidays under canvas can be the most fun, wholesome and memorable trips you ever take.

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