Country Walking Magazine (UK)

6 ways walking helps neutralise the menopause

- Dr Louise Newson is a leading menopause specialist. She’s the founder of the balance app, offering free support for menopausal women:


Bone health. Oestrogen plays a key role in keeping our bones healthy and strong, so women are at greater risk of osteoporos­is (where bones become weak) during and after menopause. When we walk our muscles pull on our bones and gravity pushes them. Our bones are a living tissue, so they become stronger the more we use them.


Heart health. Brisk walking keep the heart rate up, and the organ heathy – particular­ly important as low oestrogen during and after menopause can put women at increased risk of cardiovasc­ular disease.


Feeling good. Walking releases feel-good chemical endorphins, which is particular­ly useful as menopause can cause low mood.


Time for you. A walk allows you time out from everyday life, helps your perspectiv­e and gives something positive for yourself.

You deserve it!

Taking control. Menopause can make you feel powerless. But your daily walk’s an activity you can have total control over, including how much or little you challenge yourself, and whether you go it alone or in company. Feels good!

Weight loss. Walking helps with maintainin­g a healthy weight pleasurabl­y, and that’s key as women tend to store more weight around their abdomen from middle age onwards, adding to the menopause’s woes.

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