BBC Countryfile Magazine

Sonya Patel Ellis,

Looking for an inspiring way to get outdoors, reconnect with the wider world and mentally unwind at the same time? Try tapping into your inner nature collector with help from writer and artist Sonya Patel Ellis

- Photograph­y: Jon Cartwright

“Pick up a leaf or examine a bloom. Allow yourself time to stop, breathe, switch on your sensory antenna and connect with the bigger picture.”

It’s never been so important to spend time outside, whether that’s because it’s the only place to experience a change of scene or for the mental and physical wellbeing provided by fresh air and exercise. It’s not always easy to get motivated, however, which is where nature collecting can help.

Start by looking more closely at the flowers in your garden or trees on your street. How many species or unusual features can you spot? Pick up a fallen leaf or examine a pretty bloom. Allow yourself time to stop, breathe, switch on your sensory antenna and connect with the bigger picture. Make an extra effort to look, listen, smell and – if appropriat­e – touch and taste. When forming new habits, it can also help to have a bit of structure, so why not set yourself the challenge of collecting and identifyin­g 100 natural treasures over the seasons, using the list on the next pages as a loose guide?

When it comes to displaying your finds, there are many methods to explore, from container displays, photograph­ic flat lays and pressed-flower art to crafts. You can also take photos or make drawings of live fauna, rare flora or other items that need to stay in the wild, such as seashells and pebbles on the beach. Make it personal and, above all, enjoy.

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 ??  ?? ABOVE Sonya often collects treasures when walking in Wanstead Flats near her London home; pressing stems and flowers allows Sonya to preserve her finds
ABOVE Sonya often collects treasures when walking in Wanstead Flats near her London home; pressing stems and flowers allows Sonya to preserve her finds
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