Coventry Telegraph

Let’s encourage pupils to cycle safely to school


I WOULD like to know what schools’ policies are on children cycling to and from school. I have three children in school; two cycle from time to time and one about 75 per cent of the time. My comments are not scientific but based purely on my experience and perceptive as I drive around the city. I am aware that children cycling to school alone has decreased over the past few decades but it looks like the number of pupils regularly cycling to school is increasing at the moment. My own experience is that the local bike ability schemes have helped ensure my own children want to ride and, as a parent, you feel happier about your child’s understand­ing of road traffic. While also appreciati­ng the increased security around bike shelters on school grounds. With people living longer and child obesity increasing, I think it is absolutely vital schools do what they can to encourage physical activity and cycling to school is a great way to keep children active. With obesity bringing the risk of increased health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, musculoske­letal disorders, cancers, depression and anxiety, I am pleased to see what I perceive as an increase of children choosing to get to and from school on their bicycles. What does worry me though is the amount of schoolchil­dren in uniform cycling at the times of the school run without lights, any florescent clothing or a helmet. I have also noticed a real lack of any media coverage on the issue. I remember being at school in the late 80s and early 90s and there was lots of press coverage about the need for helmets and associated equipment, so it became normal to wear them with no worry about looking silly.

My own son’s use of his bike is now dropping as, in his own words, he is the only one being made to put his helmet on.

My view is that it is a really hard thing to manage and I wouldn’t expect schools to police the issue. We should ensure children are encouraged to cycle and schools have a framework in place and policy to ensure parents supply all children with the correct safety equipment.

I would like to see children being stopped from riding from school in the dark if they don’t have lights and a helmet, as an example. This, in my mind, would be a good motivator to help parents manage the child’s expectatio­n of being able to cycle in.

As the nights draw in and more children ride, I am concerned unless policies are in place we actively help increase the chances of an accident.

Councillor Tim Mayer

Westwood ward

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