Coventry Telegraph

Rise in fines for drivers on phones

- By FIONNULA HAINEY News Reporter news@trinitymir­

A POLICE crackdown on dangerous driving has seen a staggering number of fines issued to drivers reaching for their phones.

Officers from Warwickshi­re Police’s Operationa­l Patrol Unit reported 50 driving offences in five days while on patrol on the region’s motorways.

Operation Tramline saw officers use an unmarked HGV to watch over drivers on the M40, M42 and M6 last week and identify dangerous driving.

In total 75 motorists were stopped and spoken to, 31 of which were issued tickets for using their mobile phones.

The penalty for using a mobile phone behind the wheel was increased to a fine of £200 and six points on your licence in March.

PC’s Dave Mulhall of Warwickshi­re Police said: “Engaging in activities which distract the driver from the road ahead such as using a mobile phone are taken very seriously.

“If drivers are looking down at their phone they will be much less aware of what’s happening on the road around them; they’re more likely to tailgate the vehicle in front, fail to stay in the correct lane and be less aware of road signs and traffic lights.

Working alongside PC Mulhall was PC Wayne Knight, who said: “Using a mobile phone behind the wheel significan­tly increases your risk of being involved in a crash. If drivers are talking, texting or using the internet on their phones they are distracted from the job at hand and will therefore take longer to brake and longer to stop.

“Our aim is to make the roads of Warwickshi­re as safe as possible and the HGV we used last week is a great tool for identifyin­g those offences.

“I hope that those motorists spoken to will appreciate the potentiall­y serious consequenc­es of their actions and our presence on the roads, visible or otherwise, will deter some drivers but reassure most.”

Seven vehicles were seized for having no insurance and two for having no tax.

One driver was stopped for failing to stop at a red light and another for not wearing a seat belt.

In addition, the officers were able to intercept and recover a stolen Mitsubishi valued at £25,000.

A 25-year-old man from Hinckley was arrested on suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle, and was transferre­d to Gloucester­shire Police.

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