Coventry Telegraph

Kate compares ‘freezing cold’ Oslo to Scotland

- The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in, Oslo, Norway,

THE Duchess of Cambridge has compared the sub-zero temperatur­es in Oslo to her days as a student in “freezing cold” Scotland.

Kate, who is six months pregnant with her third child, made the admission as she and William went on an impromptu walkabout meeting Norwegian students at their school.

Screams and shouts greeted their arrival at Hartvig Nissen School in Oslo where they were due to meet the stars of an innovative Norwegian drama.

After asking one student what he was studying Kate said: “I did physics and chemistry for A-level, no not physics biology.”

When the pupil asked her about her schooling she said: “I went to a school called Marlboroug­h College and then on to university which is where I met William, to St Andrews university in Scotland.

“Miles away, freezing cold. But I can’t complain about that being here. It’s much colder here.”

They were joined by Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess MetteMarit who followed behind their guests and also met the teenagers who had been waiting excitedly in sub-zero temperatur­es.

In the school, William and Kate learnt about the popular series Skam, which attracted a legion of fans for its portrayal of issues including mental illness, homophobia and sexual assault.

The royal couple met some of the stars and chatted to students about the effect the hard-hitting drama had on bringing issues into the open.

 ??  ?? where they saw local nursery children taking part in ski school
where they saw local nursery children taking part in ski school

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