Coventry Telegraph

Nothing in the city to support cycling


LIKE Mick Ives (Mar 13) I enjoyed cycling in my younger days. I also was a member of a cycling club.

It was a fantastic sport, we had club-run track and field events, road racing on the K11, it was a really enjoyable sport and I do agree with Mick – what is there in Coventry to uphold this now gold medal sport?

A lot of us used to congregate at the cycling shops on Saturday mornings to keep ahead of new interventi­ons. You would always see a stack of bikes outside the cycle shops as Mick would well know, having owned his own shop.

What has this council done for this sport? Without doubt Mick you were built for speed and winning, this council more for comfort and doing very little to help cyclists. Sandra Camwell Keresley

Are universiti­es a hot bed for crime?

THERE seems to be a rapid rise in the number of Coventry students being convicted of some very serious offences (Mar 15). Recently a trio were involved in plots to import and sell illegal firearms and ammunition. Surely bright academic students, with all their coursework and a bright future ahead of them, would not be drawn into criminalit­y? Sadly these seats of learning do seem to be a hot bed and breeding ground for crime.

These are not students in the true sense of the word. They don’t want to be there and this has a detrimenta­l effect on the genuine students who do want to learn.

My own son very nearly ended up there, but thankfully found a proper job just in time.

On the outside, Coventry University looks fine and dandy, but it would appear that it is not a pleasant place, riddled with gang culture and bullying, not to mention the wannabe gangsters gun-running. Brian Nathan-Partridge Stivichall

Waiting for joy of springtime

DESPITE the cold weather and snow that has been pestering us recently, there are still moments of glorious sunshine.

I think those moments in the middle of all this unpleasant­ness remind us that even when things are dire there is always a little sun waiting to peek out its head.

I have already started to see crocuses and snowdrops growing by the canal. I hope that this forecasted cold snap doesn’t rear its ugly head. I would hate to see these heralds of spring spoiled by more frost.

I wonder what this delay in the end of winter means for the length of our autumn this year? L Jones Stratford

Excellent value for flouride-free paste

NOT long ago, some pleasant people kindly let me know where to buy fluoride-free toothpaste.

For the attention of those who do not want to use flouride toothpaste, can I point out two alternativ­e suppliers of toothpaste without fluoride in their ingredient­s list.

The Poundshop in Bedworth’s All Saints Square and Poundstret­cher in Gallagher Square.

The product is called Charcoal Toothpaste and it is the version in the black cartons. It is £1 for 100g. Excellent value. M T Hancock Wyken

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