Coventry Telegraph

Lorry plea for carnival


LORRIES are desperatel­y needed to ensure that Nuneaton’s Carnival procession is a ‘wheely’ big success.

Carnival committee organisers say that, following a huge response to their ‘save our carnival’ campaign, they are now on the hunt for lorries and drivers to ensure that all those who want to enter a float can join in the parade.

Martin Hobbins, carnival chairman, said: “The procession this year is looking bigger and better than last year but now we are in a position where we are going to need major support from local transport companies to enable us to fulfil the demand.

“We urgently need curtain sided or flatbed trailers to help us put on the event as the companies we usually use have reduced their fleets so we have less lorries to call on.

“It is a great way for transport companies to get some great free advertisin­g at the town’s biggest community event.”

He added that the carnival insurance covers all vehicles that enter the procession, and they need flatbed or curtain-sided lorries and they cannot be more than 15ft high due to a low bridge on the carnival route. At the start of the month, Mr Hobbins launched an ‘SOS’ style plea.

This year’s carnival, which is being held on Sunday, June 10, has the theme of ‘As seen on TV’.

Anyone who can help provide lorries or drivers should either email martincarn­ or call 07507 764 267.

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