Coventry Telegraph

Brexit deal vote call


ONE of the country’s biggest trade unions is calling for a public vote on the final Brexit deal, because it says promises made during the referendum are “not the reality we are facing”.

The GMB said it had consulted thousands of its members across the country, and there was widespread support for the public to have a say.

The union backed remaining in the EU, although admitted its members were divided. ROGER DALTREY has been honoured at the Royal Albert Hall nearly 50 years after he and The Who were banned from the venue.

The veteran frontman has received a plaque honouring his career from the venue that exiled The Who after an alleged clash over Chuck Berry in 1969. Ahead of the venue’s 150th anniversar­y, singer Daltrey, now 74, looked back on his riotous youth and said he and The Who are no longer “yobs”.

He said: “We got banned from here in 1969 and to receive an apology 30 years later, to now get this: we can’t pretend to be that kind of rock star. We would be pretending now. We were yobs, we were doing all the things you do at that age. I’m 74 now.”

Eric Clapton also had his name immortalis­ed in stone outside the venue – with Clapton claiming the record for performanc­es there.

Daltrey recalled a gig where he wielded a microphone during a riot started over Berry. Both The Who and Berry wanted to be top of the bill.

Daltrey said: “He was meant to be supporting us. He had a huge row with us.

“We tossed a coin. We said whoever wins can decide. We won the toss.

“His crowd didn’t like it. A riot broke out.”

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