Coventry Telegraph



- For more informatio­n and advice, see lloydsphar­ respirator­y-support-service

QMY child has recently been diagnosed with asthma – what’s the best way to manage it?

ALLOYDSPHA­RMACY pharmacist, Francesca Brenca, says: “On average, three children in every UK classroom will have asthma, making it the most common long-term childhood medical condition.

“It’s understand­able for parents to worry, but it doesn’t mean their child can’t have a normal, healthy childhood. If it’s controlled properly, they can carry on as usual, and the condition shouldn’t hold them back in any way.

“Firstly, it’s important you understand what medicines your child needs for their asthma, how they work, and when your child should use them.

“There are two types of inhaler: A preventer and a reliever. The preventer helps open up the airways to reduce inflammati­on. This should be used every day to keep your child’s asthma under control. The reliever should be with your child at all times and is used whenever they experience shortness of breath.

If your child isn’t able to use their inhaler correctly, they may not get the full benefit of their medication. “LloydsPhar­macy has a free Respirator­y Support Service to help your child master their technique and demonstrat­e how the inhaler should be used.

“It’s also recommende­d you note your child’s asthma triggers. In some cases, it’s obvious what’s causing it, but sometimes it could take a little longer to work out. It’s important to try to identify a common cause or irritant, so you can help your child avoid it in future. Common asthma triggers include, but aren’t limited to, extremes of temperatur­e, changes in humidity, pollen, animal dander, mould, house dust mites, cigarette smoke, foods, stress and some foods.

“You should also ensure the school is aware your child has asthma. The school should have forms for you to complete that detail what medicines they take and when, any specific triggers that they should help your child avoid, and what the signs of an attack are. Make sure your child has their inhalers with them on any school trips and that all teachers know what to do if they have an asthma attack.”

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