Coventry Telegraph

Should I switch my energy supplier now?



I DECIDED to ask you a question which bothers a lot of people of my age (early sixties).

In the past, I have not changed gas or electricit­y supplier – we’re still with the same companies that emerged from privatisat­ion a quarter of a century ago, partly because we still live in the same house.

But now we are now ready to switch – we recently changed our car insurance and buildings and contents, using comparison sites. We saved enough for a “free” weekend in Paris.

A friend told us he had found Octopus Energy which is a recommende­d supplier on the Which? website.

He has moved to Octopus Energy for both gas and electricit­y.

We did four quarterly gas bills and electricit­y bills and the total averaged over the year was £120 per month. That’s a fair bit less than we are currently paying.

Would this be a good move for us? Why should I join Octopus as opposed to looking on a comparison site? Robert G Sheffield


MOST energy companies provide exactly the same gas and electricit­y whatever they charge – they all use the same power generation plants. The exception is “green energy” where electricit­y arises from 100% renewables and gas is totally carbon-offset. Octopus is one of several which offer both options.

Many, probably more than half in your age group and older, have never switched so they get the same gas and electricit­y but pay extra unnecessar­ily.

Octopus calls itself a ‘new breed of energy supplier’. It claims to offer simplicity by “doing away with bureaucrac­y”. It is a Which? recommende­d supplier – testers liked the way it offered a range of tariffs at the price competitiv­e end of the market.

Equally important, none of its deals has exit fees so you could leave without the penalties designed to hold customers in when some companies increase charges.

But, while one company may look attractive, it’s always worth looking at the wider market first. Which? has help at 0800 410

1149 or online at switch.which.

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