Coventry Telegraph

Petition protests lead to school road safety plan


- By TOM DAVIS Local Democracy Reporter

A NEW school pilot scheme is being launched by the council to address road safety fears in Coventry.

Two petitions calling for road safety enhancemen­ts in Whitley were presented at a meeting of the Cabinet Member for City Services on Monday, September 24.

One school under the spotlight was Manor Park Primary School, with 404 people signing a call for action.

The Campaigner­s requested zebra crossings, a 20mph speed limit on Ulverscrof­t Road, increased signage and bollards, with the council revealing some of the plans may be included in a new pilot scheme which Manor Park has been invited to join.

Cabinet Member for City Services Councillor Jayne Innes (Lab, Whoberley) said: “I am working with Councillor Ram Lakha on this and we have got four primary schools in Coventry which we have contacted. We want Manor Park to be one of them.

“Schools that take part will be getting additional safety enforcemen­t. We look forward to working with them and seeing what we can do.”

Kerry Doughty, who is a parent and childminde­r, organised the petition for Manor Park.

She said: “I personally have been hit by a car wing-mirror as I’ve stood outside the school and I have witnessed a child being reversed into where a car has parked on double yellow lines.

“I do not feel safe on the school run which is sad.”

Cllr Roger Bailey (Con, Cheylesmor­e) said: “This has been going on for a long time and we have a real issue here.”

Cllr Richard Brown (Lab, Cheylesmor­e) added: “At some point we have to say enough is enough.”

Karen Seager, head of traffic and network management, said: “We want to address each school as it is and then roll it out across the city.

“We have got some things we would like to try but they might not work everywhere. But we would at least like to try.”

A council spokesman did not confirm which other schools have been invited to join the pilot.

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 ??  ?? Councillor Richard Brown, parent Kerry Doughty, and Councillor Roger Bailey with the petition outside Manor Park Primary School
Councillor Richard Brown, parent Kerry Doughty, and Councillor Roger Bailey with the petition outside Manor Park Primary School

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