Coventry Telegraph

Petition victory for city resident in gritting plea

- By TOM DAVIS Local Democracy Reporter

THE council’s gritting policy has been questioned after a street’s petition to have a gritter or grit bin reinstated was rejected.

Houses on the odd-numbered side of Overslade Crescent have their road gritted as it is on a bus route, but residents on the even-numbered side are missed off.

With the street’s grit bin also removed, concerned residents say one side of the road is left “like an ice rink”.

The council said the grit bin was removed following a review in 2015 as it failed to reach the threshold score to retain it.

A petition with 31 signatures was brought to Coventry City Council on Monday, September 24, asking for it to be returned.

Cllr Glenn Williams (Ind, Bablake) said at a meeting of Cabinet Member for City Services: “The criteria used to assess the bins was used to justify removing grit bins that in my opinion should not have been removed.

“We want it returned or the gritter could just come the other side of the road which would only add a minute.

“One side of the road is being treated differentl­y to another.”

Resident Colin Weaver, who launched the petition, said: “As a disabled person with a wheelchair to get down a slope that has not been gritted is not very easy.”

The council instead agreed to fill up a bucket of grit for Mr Weaver on each gritting run.

Cabinet member for City Services, Cllr Jayne Innes (Lab, Whoberley), said: “Austerity is affecting Coventry City Council. We are not able to do all the things that would would like to do.

“We are not able to restore grit bins from areas where there is no slope or another reason.

“We do our best with a very limited budget to meet the needs of residents. But we are going to bend the rules a little bit for Mr Weaver on a personal basis.”

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