Coventry Telegraph

Get on your bike to help save lives


DID you know that the average shelf life of a hobby is just 16 months? In fact, the average person has three hobbies on the go, but we’re not so good at keeping them up.

Cycling is one of Britain’s favourite hobbies. Four in ten of us own a bike yet the average UK adult hasn’t cycled in almost seven years!

At the British Heart Foundation (BHF) we have the perfect goal to keep you motivated.

Sign up to one of our amazing bike rides and use your pedal power to fund research into heart and circulator­y diseases.

Every year, heart and circulator­y diseases including heart attack, stroke and vascular dementia kill over 150,000 people in the UK. Today, more than seven million people in the UK are living with these serious illnesses.

Knowing you’re contributi­ng to finding new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat these terrible conditions while doing something that is enjoyable and good for your health will keep you cycling for longer.

So whether you’re a cycling novice or the next Chris Froome or Laura Kenny, we’re calling on you to put your stamina and calves to the ultimate test to help fund life saving research into heart and circulator­y diseases, which kills one person every three minutes in the UK.

With 16 exciting bike rides, for all abilities, happening in 2019 there will be a ride for you. So gather your friends, family or colleagues and get in the saddle to help beat heartbreak forever by signing up to ride for the BHF in 2019 and fund life saving research.

To find out more about the BHF’s bike rides, visit: www.bhf.­019

Emma Day,

Cycling Manager at the British Heart Foundation

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