Coventry Telegraph

Fifty Cov Uni jobs at risk

- By FIONNULA HAINEY News Reporter fionnula.hainey@reachplcco­m

TWO of Coventry University’s research centres look set to close putting over 50 jobs at risk.

The University and College Union (UCU) has branded the closure of the two centres - which only opened in 2017 - as “disgracefu­l”.

Staff at the university’s Centre for Advances in Behavioura­l Science and the Centre for Innovative Research Across the Life Course are in consultati­on talks with the university.

Coventry University has confirmed that it is “reshaping its resources” in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences.

The UCU claims a total of 53 staff could be made redundant as a result of the closures.

The University and College Union broke the news on its social media pages earlier this week.

A post on the Coventry University UCU Facebook page from February 22 reads: “We have just found out that Coventry University are planning to close two Research Centres at the University placing 53 staff at risk of redundancy.

“These Research Centres are barely off the ground having only opened in 2017 - but according to Senior Management these centres are ‘not meeting REF targets’ and therefore have to be closed!

“UCU did make the point that REF submission­s aren’t even due until November 2020!

“Once again at Coventry University we see teaching and research subordinat­ed to the most cynical managerial imperative­s. This is a disgracefu­l way to treat hard working and dedicated staff.”

An additional post on Twitter reads: “The closure of the two research centres at Coventry Uni putting 53 staff at risk of redundancy gives a clear message as to how Senior Management see research: ‘We set the targets. You meet the targets. You don’t meet the targets You get the sack.’ This is what it has come to.”

A spokespers­on for the UCU told the Telergraph that the union is now seeking an urgent meeting with the university.

UCU regional official Anne O’Sullivan said: “Closing these centres just two years after opening them puts jobs at risk, as well as the vital research being undertaken.

“We are seeking an urgent meeting with the university to discuss the rationale behind these plans, what the impact will be for staff, students and the research.”

A spokespers­on for Coventry University said: “Our Faculty of Health and Life Sciences is reviewing its research activities to focus on the demands and opportunit­ies associated with a changing healthcare and funding landscape.

“As such it is reshaping its resources to ensure that its research is delivering the highest quality outputs.

“The faculty has entered a period of consultati­on with a number of staff in two of its research centres.

“While the consultati­on is ongoing, we can’t comment further other than to offer our assurances that staff will be supported throughout this process.”

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