Coventry Telegraph

£93,000 worth of cannabis discovered in Cov house

- By PAUL BEARD Court Reporter

WHEN the police raided a house in the Hillfields area of Coventry they discovered a forest of cannabis plants, many of which had reached six feet in height.

And the officers, who arrested the sole occupant Armand Plaku, seized a total of 142 plants with a potential street value of £93,000.

Plaku, 39, of no fixed address, but who was living at the house in Cobb Close, Hillfields, was jailed for 22 months after pleading guilty at Warwick Crown Court to producing cannabis.

Prosecutor Peter Grice said that on January 30 the police went to the house in Cobb Close and forced entry.

Plaku, who was in the kitchen, was arrested, and upstairs the officers found all four rooms had been converted for the production of cannabis using hydroponic systems, while in a downstairs room were a number of seedlings.

The electricit­y meter had been bypassed to obtain the power for the heating and lighting systems used for the crop.

There were a total of 142 plants, 62 of which had reached a height of six feet, while the rest were over three feet tall.

And Mr Grice said the plants were capable of producing £93,000 worth of cannabis.

When Plaku was questioned, he claimed he had only arrived in the UK the night before and had gone to the house and had some drink, and was planning to move on the next day, but had had no involvemen­t with the cannabis.

Neil Davis, defending, said: “He maintains he came into the country in December and was working in London where he met a man who said there’s a job for you if you want it.

“He then came to Coventry and was met by another man at the train station and taken to this house the night before the police raid, and was shown his accommodat­ion and the cannabis plants he was there to look after.

“He had a bed in the kitchen and was offered some funds for the work he was to carry out.”

Mr Davis added that Plaku, who has a wife and two children in Albania, had never been in custody before.

Jailing Plaku, Judge Andrew Lockhart QC told him: “You have pleaded guilty today to a serious offence of producing drugs.

“You were the person who was going to be responsibl­e for growing the cannabis at this address. You had essentiall­y taken a job there.

I accept you were in the United Kingdom working, and that you were offered this job in Coventry.

“I am very sceptical it was only that day you arrived, but I am not going to make a finding that you were involved in setting it up.

“You were someone who was there to look after the plants, but it was an operation capable of producing significan­t quantities for commercial use.”

The judge added that it was likely Plaku will be deported after serving his sentence.

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