Coventry Telegraph

Sending a Remainer to do EU deal a mistake


BARBARA Moore stated that, ‘Do you remember the confident prediction­s that nothing would be easier than getting a good deal from the EU, because Germany and France wanted to sell us their Volkswagen­s and Champagne.’

Where all this went wrong was that all MPs agreed to act on the referendum’s outcome - they were expecting project fear would scare most of the voters into remaining.

When David Cameron stood down as Prime Minister, we ended up with a Remainer in Mrs May, this is the main factor for the position we are in now. She talked the right talk but sent Ollie Robins, an out-and-out Remainer, to have talks with the EU.

At the same time former Prime Ministers Tony Blair and John Major, former Tory ministers and leaders of Remainer political parties all queued up to go to the EU to discuss tactics to scupper the Brexit vote. The referendum did not say that parliament would have a final say but they have manipulate­d parliament­ary procedure to allow this, as well has banning Boris Johnson from leaving without a deal on October 31, underminin­g any threat to the EU that they had to change their position.

The EU states that there is no way goods can be transporte­d electronic­ally between EU member Ireland and Northern Ireland (Irish backstop) - however many trucks between Switzerlan­d and the EU are electronic­ally recorded in advance by trusted truck companies and then again at their unloading destinatio­n, so the idea that this is not possible is for the birds.

The Labour party is now 14 points behind the Tory party mainly due to Jeremy Corbyn abandoning his own life-long anti-EU stance. Those Labour voters in the Midlands, North West, North East and other non-metropolit­an areas will in many cases never vote Labour again as they feel a deep sense of betrayal as the party who told them they would back the referendum result reneges on that promise.

When the Brexit campaign was trying to get support they could not in their worst nightmare foresee all the above occurring, so are in no way responsibl­e, look to the Remainers conspiring with the EU to reverse the Brexit vote. Paul Hillock Coventry

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