Coventry Telegraph

Top of new councillor’s agenda is fighting proposals for thousands of new homes

- By TOM DAVIS Local Democracy Reporter

FIGHTING plans for thousands of new houses and reducing the number of students in residentia­l homes have been highlighte­d among the priorities of Coventry’s new councillor.

Cllr Mattie Heaven retained the Wainbody seat for the Conservati­ves after securing 53 per cent of the vote in last week’s by-election.

Top of her agenda is fighting proposals for up to 2,500 homes in the Kings Hill area near Finham - potentiall­y rising by thousands more - with her petition so far receiving more than 550 signatures.

“We don’t need 4,500 more homes and even if we did there is no current or planned infrastruc­ture to support it,” she told the Local Democracy Reporting Service in her first week in the role.

Cllr Heaven is also eager to help free up residentia­l homes for families rather than see students living in them.

She said: “A lot of residents are outraged with the level of multiple occupation homes in Cannon Park. Nobody is anti-student but a lot of these homes are filled by students.

“It is about having a balance and we have got to understand the needs of the residents.”

Other priorities include calls for a children’s playground which she said the ward lacks.

She is also wants traveller defences on land near to Cannon Park Shopping Centre, which has twice been hit by unauthoris­ed encampment­s in recent months.

“It really is costly for the council, so preventing it is really key,” she added.

Cllr Heaven, who has lived in Coventry for 30 years, is a human rights activist, with other work including highlighti­ng the misconcept­ion of Islam and radicalisa­tion.

Outside of her political life, she plays Daf - a form of drum - in a Persian-influenced band called Soveida Assemble.

She steps into the role of Wainbody councillor following the sudden death of previous incumbent Gary Crookes.

Cllr Heaven said: “Gary really did great work in the ward. It is a sad way of losing him and it is big shoes to fill but he has given me the inspiratio­n to do the job.”

She added: “I would like to take this opportunit­y to thank all the electorate in Wainbody for putting their trust in me and giving me such support and I look forward to serving all residents, regardless of what their political affiliatio­ns are.

“It is a tremendous honour and very humbling to become one of your three councillor­s - and to join the strong team of John Blundell and Tim Sawdon.”

Fellow ward councillor John Blundell said she will be a “fantastic addition”.

He added: “It is sad circumstan­ces with Gary and the important thing is we carry the legacy of Gary and the good work he has done.”

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Cllr Mattie Heaven

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