Coventry Telegraph

I’ll cancel Brexit if I’m PM – Swinson


LIBERAL DEMOCRATS leader Jo Swinson has promised to cancel Brexit altogether after members backed revoking Article 50 if the party wins a majority at the next election.

The pro-EU party is enjoying a revival under Ms Swinson’s watch, with a host of MPs defecting to her party with its clear stance on Britain’s relationsh­ip with Brussels. Sam Gyimah, a former Tory minister, became the sixth MP to switch allegiance to the party this year and some polling companies predict the Lib Dems could take as much as a fifth of the vote at the next election – up from just 7% in 2017.

The clear stance on Brexit was cemented when members at the Liberal Democrat conference in Bournemout­h voted overwhelmi­ngly to support a motion to revoke Article 50 it the party gains a majority in a general election.

The move would stop Brexit in its tracks without the need for a second referendum.

“The policy we are debating at conference today is very clear,” Ms Swinson told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show.

“If the Liberal Democrats win a majority at the next election, if people put into government – as a majority government – the ‘Stop Brexit’ party, then stopping Brexit is exactly what people will get. Yes, we will revoke Article 50.”

The East Dunbartons­hire MP added: “We have argued that a specific Brexit deal should be put to a People’s Vote to give clarity. We still argue for that.

“But if we end up at a general election then I think we need to be straightfo­rward with people and give them an option for all this Brexit chaos to stop.

“I recognise not everyone agrees with the Lib Dems on this.

“[But] it is genuinely what we think is right for the country.”

Opening a debate on the motion to revoke Article 50 in the event of a Liberal Democrat majority government, Lib Dem Brexit spokesman Tom Brake said the move will “end the Brexit nightmare”.

Mr Brake told the Lib Dem conference: “We will put an end there and then to the Brexit nightmare that is dragging the country down and tearing us apart.”

He said most voters now know “in no uncertain terms” that a vote for the Lib Dems is to “unequivoca­lly” stop Brexit.

Chuka Umunna told the conference revoking Article 50 would reinforce the party’s “unequivoca­l” message on Brexit.

James Cleverly, chairman of the Conservati­ve Party, predicted the Lib Dem stance would lead to “more delay, division and uncertaint­y”.

For Ms Swinson to secure a majority in the House of Commons and become prime minister, she would have to increase her current number of 18 MPs, which includes Mr Gyimah’s recent defection, to more than 350, gaining an election upswing never seen before in British electoral history.

She admitted the party would need to take a “leap” to achieve such results but said she wanted to “build the movement to do that”.

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Jo Swinson

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