Coventry Telegraph

Make sure you don’t vegetate on a veggie diet



WANT to do more to support your health and the planet by going plant-based, but struggle with energy dips and feeling depleted? Drasticall­y changing your diet can throw things off balance. However, this is all stuff you can work through – and the rewards will come – but there’s no shame if it takes a bit of trial and error.


IF ‘ALL or nothing’ hasn’t worked, take baby steps instead. It shouldn’t feel like a punishment – food should still totally be a joy, and certainly nourishing.

“Remember we are all on a journey. Our lifestyles and bodies are all very different and you need to be sensitive to that and not be too hard on yourself,” says Andrea Waters, executive chef at vegan London restaurant Redemption (redemption­, home of the world’s first non-alcoholic bar.

Cutting down slowly might make more sense than going full vegan.

“If you’re a long-term meat eater, then maybe start by going meat-free just a few days a week. Going fully plant-based is quite a lot to get your head around if you’ve been eating meat every day, in some cases at every meal,” says registered nutritioni­st and cookbook author Rob Hobson ( “The easiest way to begin is to learn how to adapt the dishes you most commonly cook.”

Ben Whale, executive chef at The Body Camp (thebodycam­, the 100% plant-based fitness retreat brand, agrees: “Always start off with some plant-based meals you either know how to cook or can have a good go at, to build up your confidence and repertoire, and slowly start introducin­g new dishes when you can.

“You’re heading in the right direction, so be kind to yourself. If you don’t have time to cook, then choose a plant-based option when out and about.”


ONE of the main reasons for plant-based fatigue is simply not eating enough. Meat and dairy are generally a lot more calorie-dense than plant-based equivalent­s.

“People switching to plant-based often say they have less energy. This is often because they’re eating less calories; suddenly they’re missing that extra 300-500kcals they got from cheese, butter, steak, chicken and salmon for example, but their portion sizes are the same,” says Ben.

“So definitely increase your portion sizes. That’s the beauty with whole foods – you can eat loads and get away with it!” Andrea adds: “Meat and dairy are dense and take longer for your body to digest. When eating plant-based you can be much more abundant, so fill that plate up!”


AS WELL as upping portion sizes, it’s useful to think about ways to power up plant-based meals.

“You can’t survive on kale alone. Make sure you always have slowreleas­e whole grains on your plate; brown rice, whole-wheat pasta (chickpea or brown rice pasta is great for a gluten-free option), buckwheat or lentils. These break down slowly, steadily releasing energy and balancing blood sugar so you don’t get that spike,” says Andrea.

“And don’t be afraid to snack. If you snack on fruit (fresh or dried) or nuts during the day, that’s OK. Ripe bananas, dried apricots, or a handful of nuts are great sources of magnesium and potassium that act as little energy boosts.” And when thinking about energy levels, it’s not all about carbs and sugar. Ensuring meals contain plenty of protein and vital fats is also key; this will help you feel satisfied after eating too.

“Protein is often a concern. You can get all the protein you need on a plant-based diet by eating foods such as pulses, beans, lentils, Quorn, oats, nuts, seeds and soy foods.

Some plant proteins are lacking in essential amino acids but including a range of different proteins in your diet every day will ensure a balance,” says Rob, who adds that tofu is another “really good source of plant protein”.

If you are just having a ‘light’ meal, think about adding something extra on the side. As Ben suggests: “Make a smoothie with banana, almond butter, avocado and maca for example, especially if you’ve only had salad for lunch.”


GENERALLY, dietary sources should always come first when it comes to nutrition, but this may take some extra considerat­ion when changing your diet and sometimes supplement­ing is necessary.

“If you’re cutting out dairy, make sure you look for a fortified milk alternativ­e,” says Rob. “Fortified foods can be a useful way to get vitamin B12 in the diet. This nutrient is mostly found in animal and dairy foods. Very few foods other than fortified foods and yeast extract contain vitamin B12. Vegan-based supplement­s contain B12 and are available in tablet or oral spray form.

“Omega 3 is tricky to glean from plant sources so you may want to invest in a vegan omega 3 supplement, such as Healthspan Veg-Omega 3 100mg (£19.95 for 60 capsules).

Iron is another key mineral to think about, along with calcium. Rob says: “Include foods such as beans, pulses, tofu, oats, dried fruit, dried spices, dried herbs, nuts and dark green leafy vegetables.

“This type of iron is referred to a non-haem and is not as easily absorbed in the body. You can increase the absorption of iron from these foods by eating with a source of vitamin C (berries, orange juice, citrus fruits and sweet peppers).”

Calcium is also very important. “Especially for teenage vegans as their bones are still developing, menopausal women and older adults, especially those at risk of osteoporos­is,” adds Rob. “Calcium sources include soy foods, beans, pulses, lentils, almonds, sesame seeds, dark leafy greens.”

Always see a doctor if you are concerned about deficienci­es.

 ??  ?? There are lots of ways to power up plant-based meals to fend off fatigue
There are lots of ways to power up plant-based meals to fend off fatigue
 ??  ?? Try snacking on fruit or nuts during the day
Try snacking on fruit or nuts during the day
 ??  ?? Rob Hobson
Rob Hobson
 ??  ?? Ben Whale
Ben Whale

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