Coventry Telegraph

Tribute to heroes of Arnhem


“WE thank those who made the greatest sacrifice. Without you, our veterans, we wouldn’t be here.”

Coventry veterans came together to mark 75 years since the Battle of Arnhem - which historians say could have shortened World War Two by six months.

Operation Market Garden, as it was known at the time, saw 10,000 troops go in and just 2,000 come out in an advance that took place in the area near Arnhem in Holland.

The aim of the mission was to cut the war short, but the plan failed when the Allies encountere­d tougher resistance than expected.

It was a bold plan, which had been drawn up to to ensure that British and American troops could go behind enemy lines to capture eight bridges on the German/ Dutch border.

British tanks were to clear a narrow road leading from the Allied front line to these key bridges, where they would relieve airborne troops, but it didn’t go to plan and the Allies sustained huge losses.

Among the thousands of men that were killed were soldiers from the Royal Warwickshi­re Regiment.

Integral to the operation, was Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, of the same regiment.

‘Monty’ as he was known, fought in both World War One and World War Two and towards the end of his career was known as the mastermind of strategic operations, of which Arnhem was included.

And this week, 75 years since this key battle, veterans from across Coventryan­d Warwickshi­re gathered to mark their respect.

As the service took place on Tuesday morning, crowds were drawn from across the War Memorial Park in Coventry to commemorat­e the sacrifices made in the Battle of Arnhem.

The memorial spoke to every soldier present, who remembered the now deceased Coventry veteran Ivor Sherrad and the many fallen soldiers who were part of the last push in the war effort.

Among the crowds was Mr Sherrad’s son, James.

He said: “I know that [my father] would be so proud of what he and his comrades did. And it’s so nice, even 75 years on, that these people still are carrying these traditions on.

“What can you say, it’s fantastic, all of these guys are brilliant.”

Mayor Linda Bigham was present along with other local dignitarie­s and veterans.

She addressed the service, saying: “In this memorial, we are thankful for those precious people who made the greatest sacrifice. Without you, our veterans, we wouldn’t be here.”

Les Ratcliffe MBE, the Coventry Lieutenant to the Lord Lieutenanc­y, was also there along with a member of their youth division, Alisha Rehman.

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