Coventry Telegraph

Hard days ahead for the NHS and Britain


ISN’T it funny how things can come back to haunt you? I’m thinking of the time Boris Johnson lambasted Gordon Brown for being an unelected Prime Minister.

Now this car-crash of a politician is our premier, voted for by just a few thousand of the Tory faithful.

In my opinion Johnson’s election is not just about Brexit, it’s about trying to revitalise a broken Tory party. It has wider implicatio­ns as he panders to his buddy Trump over in the White House while he prepares to sell off the assets of our treasured NHS by awarding lucrative contracts to American private medical companies.

These are hard days for the people of Britain and the NHS. Andy McDonald, Tile Hill

Betrayed by former Conservati­ve MPs

I AM glad Conservati­ve councillor Tim Mayer has recognised that the actions of Remainer MPs in parliament have completely betrayed Leave voter throughout the country (Letters, 12 September).

Does councillor Mayer realise that it was former Conservati­ve MPs that have been orchestrat­ing this betrayal? Leading Conservati­ves such as Dominic Grieve and Philip Hammond have been in the forefront of overturnin­g the country’s democratic vote to Leave.

It is true that these MPs have been ejected from the Party but it is now being suggested that they will be readmitted. More disturbing, it is being suggested that Boris Johnson is going to ask for their help in getting a remodelled version of Theresa May’s deal passed through parliament. In a complete turnaround, genuine Leave supporting Conservati­ve MPs will then be expelled from the party if they vote against this reworked deal.

Such an action by the Johnson Government would be a further betrayal of the British people. In particular, it would be a betrayal of the Conservati­ve party members who voted for him, believing he would deliver a true Brexit, and not a Brexit in name only. It would totally destroy what little trust there is left in our present parliament­ary system.

I understand councillor Mayer intends to stand as an MP for the Coventry South constituen­cy. I, and other Leave voters, would like to know what councillor Mayer’s position would be if Johnson betrays the British people. Will he side with Johnson, or true believers in the vote Leave?

I look forward to reading councillor Mayer’s reply.

Martin Judge, Coventry

 ??  ?? SEPTEMBER 19, 1973: Visitors on the terrace of the River Room Restaurant at the Royal Shakespear­e Theatre.
SEPTEMBER 19, 1973: Visitors on the terrace of the River Room Restaurant at the Royal Shakespear­e Theatre.
 ??  ?? SEPTEMBER 19, 1963: Progress on the block of flats being built at Middleboro­ugh Road, Coventry by the Lift Slab method.
SEPTEMBER 19, 1963: Progress on the block of flats being built at Middleboro­ugh Road, Coventry by the Lift Slab method.
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