Coventry Telegraph

Pair dressed as Batman and Superman jailed for vicious attack at party


TWO men dressed as Superman and Batman for a 40th birthday party turned villains in a vicious attack.

A man was stamped on and kicked as he lay unconsciou­s on the floor during the attack carried out by Dale McCarthy and Jay Drage.

The pair were dressed as superheroe­s for a birthday celebratio­n and went on to clash with people at a Christmas party taking place at the same venue in December last year.

They pleaded guilty to a charge of affray following the incident at the Sports Connexion in Ryton - just three days before Drage was due to be sentenced for an earlier assault.

Judge Anthony Potter landed them with the blow that he could not pass suspended sentences on either of them, despite McCarthy having no previous conviction­s.

Drage, 20, of Warwick Road, Wolston - who was bedecked as Batman - was jailed for 12 months, and ‘Superman’ McCarthy, 19, of Montague Road, Rugby, for nine months.

Prosecutor Ian Windridge said that on December 7 last year two parties were being held in separate function rooms at the Sports Connexion leisure centre in Ryton.

One was a Christmas party for staff from the Barclays Bank complaints department, while the other was a 40th birthday fancy dress party - at which Drage and McCarthy were guests.

Earlier in the day they and another friend, Haydon Illingwort­h-Joyce, had obtained their respective costumes from a fancy dress shop in Rugby - with McCarthy attending as Superman and Drage and Mr Illing worth Joyce as Batman and Robin.

Mr Windridge pointed out that Mr Illingwort­h-Joyce, 22, had also been charged with affray but was found not guilty after a CCTV recording played frame-by-frame during his trial revealed he had only been a spectator.

Towards the end of the night members of both parties had taken the opportunit­y to go outside for a last cigarette, and there was a confrontat­ion before people headed back into the foyer area.

Playing the CCTV recording from the foyer, Mr Windridge said Barclays employee Connor Paton was followed in by McCarthy who pursued him to the stairs leading to the function rooms.

As somebody dressed as Supergirl tried to push Drage away back out of the doors, a blow off-camera from McCarthy felled Mr Paton.

And as one of his colleagues, Michael Sheehy, tried to help Mr Paton, who was bleeding from an injury to his face, he was also punched by McCarthy before a member of staff intervened and tried to get him to leave.

But, on seeing other people in the foyer, instead of leaving, McCarthy went flying in and during the skirmish that followed Barclays employee Paul Howkins was knocked to the floor.

With Mr Howkins unconsciou­s and motionless on the floor, the CCTV showed McCarthy, identified by his distinctiv­e red cape, raising his leg and stamping down or jumping on the prone man.

And Drage then also waded in, despite Supergirl’s attempts to pull him away, and landed “a substantia­l kick” to Mr Howkins.

It was delivered with such force that Mr Howkins’ head was lifted off the floor and Drage lost his balance and fell.

He was helped to his feet and the attackers left as Supergirl and others tried to help the victim who was taken to hospital.

Mr Howkins had cuts to his face and was found to have suffered a small bleed to his brain, which did not require any surgical interventi­on, said Mr Windridge.

The barrister added that McCarthy had no previous conviction­s, but at the time Drage was on bail for an assault he had committed the previous New Year’s Eve, for which he appeared at the court just three days after the fancy dress incident.

He was given an 18-month community order, with a curfew intended to stop him “going on the lash” over that festive period - but it had come three days too late for Mr Howkins.

Simon Burch, defending McCarthy, said: “There was a degree of bravado in the way Mr McCarthy and his associate acted.

“The main aggravatin­g factor is his action in what can only be regarded as a moment of complete madness of that perceived stamp or jump. Mercifully he was wearing soft trainers.”

Mr Burch added that the other side of McCarthy was that he was “a competent rugby player”, playing for Warwickshi­re 20s and Newbold, and he also coaches children on Sundays.

Sarah Holland, for Drage, said he had not been in trouble since being given the community order three days after the affray.

Jailing the two men, Judge Potter told them: “This was what in any other circumstan­ces might be a comic event, because you were attending a birthday party dressed as superheroe­s.

“You may have been dressed as superheroe­s, but the way you conducted yourselves was far from being fitting so far as the reputation­s of Superman and Batman are concerned.

“You both went towards Mr Howkins, and he went to the floor very quickly. It is impossible to say who did what at that stage, but as Mr Howkins was pushed to the floor, you McCarthy kicked him.

“It is plain he was unconsciou­s. He was not in a position to defend himself or to curl up or get up, which makes the acts of both of you worse.

“You Mr McCarthy jumped up and onto his chest area. You, Mr Drage, went to his head and can clearly be seen kicking. It is quite sickening.

“These kinds of acts frequently lead to serious injuries and sometimes fatalities.

“I’ve considered whether I can suspend the sentence, but I could not send out the message that someone who kicks someone who is unconsciou­s on the ground is deserving of a suspended sentence.

“I would be failing in my public duty if I were to suspend it.”

You may have been dressed as superheroe­s but the way you conducted yourselves was far from being fitting so far as the reputation­s of Superman and Batman are concerned. Judge

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