Coventry Telegraph

Residents hit out at plans to switch-off street lights after midnight

- By BEN ECCLESTON Crime Reporter

PEOPLE fear plans to turn off street lights across Coventry after midnight could lead to an upsurge in crime.

The city council hopes to save £1million by turning off lights between midnight and 5.30am in residentia­l streets.

But some readers are furious with what they see as a penny-pinching exercise that puts residents’ safety and property at risk.

Hundreds of you have been having your say on our Facebook page, with fears that crime rates will soar chief among your fears.

Graham Hodge wrote: “So we have a major problem with knife crime in the city and the council now want to plunge us all into darkness?

“Am I the only one that feels crime will rise and those who carry knifes and weapons will have more places to run and hide from the police.”

His words were echoed by Chris Gardner who posted: “All criminals take note - Coventry will switch light off for you so you can go about your activities in a more covert way. We can all sleep better in our beds knowing this.”

Anne Adams also agreed, saying: “Then there will be more risk of burglary and people feeling unsafe. People’s life and property at risk so that the council saves money!!!”

The plans were revealed as part of the city council’s budget setting process as it looks to plug a £16.7million funding gap in 2020/21.

Main traffic routes and the city centre would be unaffected, and lights across the city would remain on through Friday and Saturday nights under the plans.

The proposals are hoped to save £250,000 in 2020/21 and the same amount in the next three years - taking the total saving to £1million.

Cabinet member for finance, Cllr John Mutton, added: “Savings on street lights would need to be done without compromisi­ng the safety of traffic users.”

Other issues raised by readers include the blackouts making life harder for emergency vehicle drivers.

Lynsey Pearson said: “From an ambulance point of view it’s hard enough trying to find people’s door numbers with street lights on so how do they expect us to get there and treat as quick as poss if they now going to turn the street lights off completely.”

Dawn Roodhouse added: “As an emergency vehicle driver... I hate driving through built up areas in pitch darkness... also can’t see the numbers on the houses when we are trying to locate a house/incident...”

Lucy Tomlyn brought up the subject of those who have to work unsociable hours saying: “I wouldn’t feel safe stepping out my front door let alone going anywhere in my area if they turn off the street lights. Not everyone works normal hours all the time.”

Following on from the news that ticket prices at the Godiva Festival could more than double to £4.70 next year, Margaret Smith posted: “Its (sic) time Coventry Council stopped pouring money into music festivals & concentrat­ed on providing essential services.”

Meanwhile, Anne Turnbull’s thoughts bounced from the city’s wildlife to how people lived in years gone by: “Owls and animals will love this because they get confused with all the light and people managed in the war with black outs.”

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