Coventry Telegraph

Season of goodwill is also the season of thieving


- By BEN ECCLESTON Crime Reporter

FOR most of us Christmas is the season of goodwill and giving - but for some it’s the season of taking.

Criminals don’t care if they ruin your Christmas if it means they can steal presents, sometimes very expensive ones, and get away with it.

So what can you do to make sure you don’t fall foul of Christmas crooks in 2019?

Mark Silvester, Design Out Crime Manager at West Midlands Police, said: “Obviously we don’t want people to be scared and want people to have fun over Christmas.

“Crime prevention doesn’t have to be expensive and can actually be free.”

His advice includes not leaving presents whether bought to give to loved ones or received - on show for burglars to see. This is the case for items at home and also in your car.

Mark added: “Keep all doors and windows secure and always lock your door - and if you go out then it should be lights on and lock up.

“As refuse collection­s might not be so frequent over that period, if you are throwing the box away make sure you rip it up and don’t just leave it out next to your bin.”

Other advice given by West Midlands Police includes:

• Keep notes of serial numbers from electrical items and register them at

• If you are lucky enough to receive jewellery, then take a photo of it and keep it separately.

• Be careful what you reveal on social media about received gifts and being away from your home so as not to advertise you property and goods to criminals if having parcels delivered then make sure arrangemen­ts are in place if you will not be in to receive them, such as leaving with a neighbour, so that they are not just left on show. The other part of December’s festivitie­s that people either love or hate is doing the Christmas shopping.

And sadly this is another chance for criminals to strike and ruin what should be a happy time. Warwickshi­re Police gives the following advice to shoppers:

• Keep your bags closed and close to you at all times; strap them across your body or hold them securely under your arm. Never leave bags unattended, even for a few seconds.

• Beware of anyone acting suspicious­ly, such as trying to distract you by bumping into you or getting too close to you; report any suspicious behaviour to shop staff, security guards or the police.

• Don’t let anyone see what is in your purse or wallet and avoid carrying large amounts of cash around.

• Never keep your pin with your bank cards. Always shield your pin when entering it in a chip and pin device or cashpoint Don’t allow yourself to be distracted when withdrawin­g cash.

Keep all doors and windows secure and always lock your door - and if you go out then it should be lights on and lock up Mark Silvester

 ??  ?? ‘Tis the season to be robbed
‘Tis the season to be robbed

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