Coventry Telegraph

Teenager’s ‘toddler tantrums’ were a sign of rare cancer

- By LAURA HARTLEY News Reporter

A TEENAGER only found out she had a rare form of cancer after she started having “toddler tantrums”.

Beth Worley was only 17 when she first started noticing strange symptoms including pain in her abdomen.

But after being diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome at Nuneaton’s George Eliot Hospital, her symptoms only got worse.

Now 19, Beth, from Bedworth, would get adrenaline surges, leaving her hot and breathless, with her heart pounding and close to fainting.

“I couldn’t control my emotions - I would be almost manic one moment, then feeling weepy and irritable the next,” she said.

“Mum said I was like a toddler having tantrums. It was as if all the normal ups and downs that everyone experience­s were magnified ten times over.”

A year later as she studied forensic investigat­ions at Coventry University, she was given the heartbreak­ing diagnosis that she had a very rare type of tumour called paragangli­oma.

Surgeons at Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital discovered during her operation in March 2019 that Beth also had two benign cysts in her lymph nodes as well as the malignant tumour in her liver.

“Luckily the cysts in the lymph nodes had contained the malignant tumour and stopped it spreading further,” Beth added.

“I was in intensive care for six days and it took me a few months to recover as it was such a big operation - I had been cut open from my chest to my belly - but I was determined to get back on my feet again and get back to university.”

Beth’s mum, Claire Ingram, said her daughter had been strong throughout the treatment, refusing to give up university and carrying on with her life.

She said: “Seeing your child in intensive care with all these tubes coming out of her is so awful, the worst thing for a parent. But Beth has been absolutely amazing through all of this - we are in awe of her.

“The doctors wanted Beth to leave University in order to deal with her treatment but she simply refused. She even managed to pass her driving test too!”

Thankful for her care, Beth now wants to help anyone else facing cancer by backing Cancer Research UK’s ‘Right Now’ campaign, which encourages people to donate, volunteer, fundraise or share their story.

Beth, whose friends and family raised nearly £4000 at Worcester Race for Life in her honour, said: “Now, I want to do everything I can to help raise money and awareness. That’s why I’m backing this vitally important campaign and I hope people in Coventry and Warwickshi­re will donate or support in any way they can.

“Progress in the fight against this devastatin­g disease relies on everyone who raises vital funds.”

One in two people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer at some stage in their lives but thanks to research, more people are surviving the disease than ever before. Survival has doubled in the last 40 years in the UK and Cancer Research UK’s work has been at the heart of that progress.

Jane Redman, Cancer Research UK spokespers­on for Coventry and Warwickshi­re, said: “We are so grateful to Beth for showing both the realities of cancer and the positive impact research and improved treatments can have on people’s lives.

“We hope our Right Now campaign will inspire people to take action and play their part in beating cancer. There are so many ways to show your support here in Coventry, from joining a Race for Life event, to volunteeri­ng in our shops or making a donation.

“Every action makes a difference and money raised helps to support Cancer Research UK’s vital work. Together, we will beat cancer.”

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