Coventry Telegraph

Very Light Railway could be on show in Cov for 2021

- Local Democracy Reporter By TOM DAVIS

A PROTOTYPE showing a new Very Light Rail system in Coventry could be complete next year ahead of going on show in 2021.

The project for a ‘lowcost tram solution’ will take significan­t steps in 2020 when a prototype of the battery-powered vehicle is expected to be completed in April.

The integrated system will be tested at the Dudley Very Light Rail National Innovation Centre (VLRNIC) in summer 2021 and once proof of concept is achieved, the first route most likely to be taken forward in

Coventry is a 7km route linking the railway station with the main hospital in the city.

Nicola Small, senior programme manager at the city council, told a scrutiny board meeting: “This is a really exciting time for the project now.

“Next year is an exciting time and things will start to happen, we’ll see the vehicle for a start.”

Constructi­on of the first route should be in the pipeline for 2024, she said.

She added: “Back in 2017 we looked at the first route for Coventry.

“We looked at four routes within two strategic corridors, one to the University of Warwick and one to the hospital.

“It became very clear early on the route to the hospital would offer the greatest benefit cost ratio and that’s because there is higher density developmen­t between the city centre and the hospital, so much higher demand for the vehicle.

“The ultimate goal is to develop a network of routes that would serve the city centre.”

But the prototype could be on display in Coventry for the

City of Culture Year, councillor­s were told, if all goes to plan.

Colin Knight, director of transporta­tion and highways, said: “It is certainly part of our strategy to bring the vehicle to Coventry for 2021.

“It is City of

Culture, loads of visitors coming, and a great way to showcase what we are doing. “Whether that can be demonstrat­ed I’m not sure as there are a lot of issues around legislatio­n, but it is certainly our intention to have it in the city for people to look at and see it.”

Nick Mallinson, programme manager at WMG, explained the vision for VLR during the meeting. He said: “We are looking at something different from a standard tram as it will be a turn up and go service.

“You won’t be looking at a timetable as something will come along within five minutes - a bit like the London Undergroun­d.”

It is hoped vehicles could also clip together electronic­ally or through a mechanical system to create a ‘platoon’ of three or four vehicles which tail a lead vehicle, with only one driver required.

Providing an update on the track, he said over 100 companies were approached as to whether they could achieve the vision.

He added: “Most said we can’t do it, it’s impossible.

“However, we did get down to about 12 or 13 at the beginning of this year who expressed interest.

“We have been through the procuremen­t process and are down to the final two. We hope to select the winner in late January. We think we’ll get a very good innovation partner to work with us.”

The projected is funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority and Coventry and Warwickshi­re LEP, but Mr Mallinson said the Department for Transport has indicated it could add funding, while external private partners are also being sought by the council.

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