Coventry Telegraph



A CONTROVERS­IAL switch to single-staffed libraries in Coventry has been scrapped after mounting pressure from councillor­s and a union.

Coventry City Council’s cabinet member for education, Councillor Kevin Maton, gave the green light for £1.2million cuts to libraries early in 2019.

That included a plan to reduce Aldermoor, Caludon, Canley and Coundon to a single staff member with panic alarms - leading to grave concern.

Union Unison said it sparked “major concern over the safety and well-being of the staff and users”, describing it as “another nail in the coffin” for Coventry’s libraries, after previous cuts saw some move to become volunteerl­ed.

Cllr Maton admitted to the Local Democracy Reporting Service at the time that the changes were not even included in a public consultati­on, but did welcome the union to “sit down with us and discuss”.

That uproar from Unison and the council’s own education scrutiny board - has now seen the authority reverse the measure so all libraries are staffed by “a minimum of two people”.

Peter Barnett, head of service for libraries, told the scrutiny board on Thursday, January 9: “We felt that we had a proposal that was safe and sustainabl­e but we did have a number of different representa­tions about that so for now we are continuing with a minimum of two staff at our libraries, generally speaking. There are isolated incidents as well where we have staff working by themselves but alongside profession­als from other agencies.

“Apart from that we implemente­d all proposals we discussed.”

A delighted scrutiny member Cllr Christine Thomas said: “I’m really pleased officers have listened to what we have been showing and it shows scrutiny works well.”

However, she did raise concern over contingenc­y plans for when staff are off sick, and whether they are still left to work alone.

Mr Barnett admitted it “is a problem”, but said contingenc­y plans included moving staff from more well-staffed libraries, while there is also a “casual register” of flexible workers.

The meeting also discussed the performanc­e of libraries in relation to visitor numbers, which were said to “remain positive”.

Visitor numbers from April to October last year showed a 17,086 increase over all core and partnershi­p libraries, as well as community run libraries.

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