Coventry Telegraph

I don’t function very well on less than eight hours’ sleep...


IT’S been five years since Paula Radcliffe retired from competitiv­e long-distance running, but she’s not hung up her trainers for good.

The 46-year-old mum-of-two still runs for around an hour a day – for mental health, as much as physical.

We caught up with Paula to chat health and wellness:

Apart from running, how else do you keep fit?

I DO some core stability work, some medicine ball work, and some weight training.

I try to incorporat­e specific strength exercises for my foot, because I’ve had issues with that. And squats.

What motivates you to keep fit now you don’t compete?

IT’S more about doing the things I enjoy now.

So, I enjoy running, I feel better after I’ve been running, it helps me to think more clearly, it helps me feel a bit more awake, more alive.

How many hours do you sleep?

WHEN I was training and racing, I would generally sleep nine to 10 hours at night, and then another one or two hours in the afternoon. Now, I don’t have anywhere near that! But I still don’t function very well if I have less than eight hours’ sleep.

How do you cope with stress?

GO FOR a run.

Do you meditate?

I THINK I do, because I call it meditating while I’m running, if I’m just thinking. I think you get a bit more oxygen to your brain and you’re away from all distractio­ns and can focus your thoughts a bit better.

Any health aims for 2020?

JUST to keep on doing what I’m doing. Trying to use the opportunit­y I’ve got and the platform I have to help others.

■ Paula Radcliffe is backing a campaign by Asda Pharmacy to encourage asthma suffers to get the flu jab (free of charge for this at-risk group).

 ??  ?? Paula Radcliffe
Paula Radcliffe

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