Coventry Telegraph

New scheme is helping to give dementia patients chance to recall shared family memories


FAMILIES of those living with dementia have been urged to build music playlists to help aid the memory of loved ones.

Music for Dementia 2020 was launched this year to highlight the positive impact music can have for people living with dementia.

It is a nationwide programme but has seen great success across Coventry and Warwickshi­re, bringing families, carers and patients closer together.

Music for Dementia 2020 calls for carers and family members to create a playlist with their loved ones to help them recall periods in their lives and bond over shared memories.

Research has shown that music has the ability to help reduce the often distressin­g symptoms of dementia, such as agitation, apathy and anxiety.

The director of the whole campaign, Grace Meadows, is from Coventry, and spoke to us about why this programme is so vital.

“Having access to personalis­ed music, in the right way and at the right time, has been shown to be much more effective than just putting the radio on or listening indiscrimi­nately to music.

“The act of creating a personalis­ed playlist, whether that’s done online, writing it down or a piece of paper on by going through your music collection with someone, makes up the soundtrack of your life.”

Grace grew up in Coventry, where her musical abilities were nurtured at Blue Coat Church of England secondary school and her local church choir.

“I was really fortunate to have a fantastic music education, and I was also fortunate to be part of the Coventry Youth Orchestra which afforded me some great opportunit­ies.

“It was really those hubs, the youth orchestra, the school and the church choir that provided these places.”

Grace now lives in London and has worked as a music therapist for the last eight years, but says it was the formative years she spent in Coventry that helped build her musical skills. She is passionate about the importance of music in communicat­ion, and wants to encourage local families to get involved with the project to help their loved ones.

“We need to keep supporting people living with dementia, it’s vital. It helps those taking part feel like they are contributi­ng, like they play a role, when the condition strips them of their autonomy.

“You can take part in anything from a curated playlist to a dementia disco. We don’t have a cure for dementia, and that’s not coming anytime soon. So we as a society have a responsibi­lity to help, and music is such an important part of care.”

The organisati­on has launched step by step guides on how to create playlists, which organisers say will helps bring people together to build an emotional connection, facilitate conversati­ons and create memories. Anyone can take part, a carer, family member or neighbour. If you think you know someone that might be interested, it could truly make a difference.

And for some families it already has. A tweet from the Music4Deme­ntia2020 page shared a happy outcome for one family who described the scheme as a “lifechange­r.” There is also a musical map, where you can find out the local events are happening that support those with dementia As a local community group you can submit your own events on the music map too, which will be a helpful guide to what’s on in Coventry and Warwickshi­re.

For a guide on how to create your own playlist visit: www.musicforde­

For the musical map that lets you know about events in your area visit:

You can follow Music 4 Dementia 2020 on Twitter: @music4dem2­020

Or visit their wesbite: https://musicforde­

You can also call 07989 355338.

Having access to personalis­ed music, in the right way and at the right time, has been shown to much more effective... Grace Meadows

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