Coventry Telegraph




A COVENTRY woman has popped-up a huge balloon display outside her house to lift spirits.

The rainbow spectacle on the front of the house in Kenpas Highway in Styvechale has caused quite a stir in the community and on social media.

It is the work of Emily Marklew, a local graphic designer and decorator.

She said she was inspired by the rainbow window campaign - and simply wanted to brighten people’s day.

And she’s not stopping there. She plans to create more balloon designs throughout the lockdown period.

Emily said: “I wanted to create the arch to brighten up everyone’s days from toddlers, key workers, runners, to the elderly. Everyone coming together is so amazing and the rainbow garland can give people hope who are isolating that they are not alone, we are all in this together and after every storm comes the sunshine!”

But what do her neighbours think?

“After I put it up yesterday I was just sat in the front window watching everyone’s reaction,” Emily added. “My heart was beating so fast with excitement and happiness because so many people were being so kind.”

She never expected her multicolou­red handiwork would also be a massive hit on social media.

“I’ve never had so many likes so quickly on a Instagram post! Everyone has been so positive and supportive, and so many have said it’s put a smile on their face.”

Emily has said anyone is welcome to come and get a picture with the house, and feel free to tag her on on Facebook and Instagram @Pictureper­fectbyemil­y.

So what does she have planned next?

“When this one comes down, maybe I will do a blue and white one in aid of the NHS for their amazing work and determinat­ion to get through this tough time,” Emily told the Telegraph.

“I can’t wait to get back decorating parties when this pandemic is over.

Decorating on a large scale is nothing new for Emily.

“I run Picture Perfect by Emily alongside my full-time job as a graphic designer in Coventry,” she added.

“I’ve always been quite creative and studied art all though school, so starting this business just seemed perfect for me.

“It has been hard at times, especially doing it all on my own from taking orders, ordering the stock, planning the events and organising my finances but my family, friends and boyfriend have been amazing at lending a hand.”

It is an uncertain time for small business owners, but Emily has managed to keep going with her vision.

Her family - including her grandma Agnes Ally, who turns 80 this year - have even been pitching in and helping out with the events.

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Get everything you need to know about where you live with our app or via the
 ??  ?? Emily Marklew’s house on Kenpas Highway has been getting a lot of attention
Emily Marklew’s house on Kenpas Highway has been getting a lot of attention

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