Coventry Telegraph

Getting the most out of your daily walk during the lockdown


NEVER before have we collective­ly done so little, but for such a good reason. Sports clubs are shut, gyms and swimming pools are closed, even children’s playground­s are shut.

So walking or going out for a run is even more important to break up the day, and take up the government advice to try and stay fit and healthy during this coronaviru­s lockdown.

Our reporter Bobby Bridge has been out and about in his neighbourh­ood everyday since the measures were introduced.

Here he delivers his observatio­ns, rules, tips and guidance to getting the most out of your walks...

Scanning the horizon - Never before have I looked so far into the distance when out for a stroll. From the moment I leave the house to when I return, I’m looking out for people on pavements.

Can I start on the other side of the road to avoid them? Will they blink first and move aside?

Social awkwardnes­s - While social distancing is being encouraged, the byproduct of that while out walking is a dose of social awkwardnes­s.

When someone is walking in the opposite direction towards you, one of you has got to give way and create the two-metre distance. So who is it going to be? All along, there’s a bit of discomfort, perhaps fearing the other person is thinking ‘oh nice, they think I am going to infect them.’

Nope, they’re likely thinking the same thing.

A smile or greeting goes a long way - To alleviate the above, lifting your head up and engaging in some light conversati­on helps.

‘Good afternoon,’ ‘good morning,’ whichever it is, if you’re bothering to wear a watch. If not, a smile is suffice. A nod of the head.

Make eye contact, they won’t bite!

Say thank you - In similar fashion to when somebody opens the door for you or when a waiter steps to one side to allow you through at a restaurant, say thank you when someone moves over for you.

Again, it breaks down that awkwardnes­s.

5. Overtaking - Here’s where it can get tricky. If you’re behind somebody who is going slower than yourself and you want to carry on at the same speed, you’ve got to get around them.

It’s a similar issue to when out cycling and somebody is slowly turning the pedals and you want to accelerate past like Bradley Wiggins.

This has only happened once to me so far. Make sure the coast is clear (if it’s a road you are stepping into) and make a nice wide-arching over-take manoeuvre. Once parallel with the person/people, here’s where I pulled out a wave to go with the smile/greeting.

Douse the flames of the perceived awkwardnes­s with a blanket of kindness. Then maybe whip out your phone and make a call, until they’re in your rear view mirror, so to speak.

Stop and chat - Normally this is never an issue. But if you bump into people to form a group of three or more, then you could be in trouble if the police trundle by.

Keep your distance, however, it’s likely if you do this on a pavement, you’re going to create a roadblock for others to have to penetrate and break the two-metre social distancing rule. That’s not fair on them.

The solution is to maybe walk alongside them, the correct distance apart if possible, or even on the other side of the road.

Don’t dismiss conversati­on because of the social distancing rule, it might be the only time that person/people get the chance to converse with others that day. You can always turn on your heels and head back on the course you were on prior to the meeting.

Alternativ­ely, if it’s just a one-onone stop and chat, see if there is a safe zone nearby where you can all stop, maintain social distancing as well as allow others to use the walkway freely.

Pressing the button - If your walk sees you require the use of a pedestrian crossing, then you may have to press the dreaded button. It feels dangerous in these uncertain times.

However, experts have said the likelihood of contractin­g coronaviru­s this way are extremely slim.

One method you could use to at least remove the skin to object element is pull over a cuff or use a car key to press the button.

Keeping an eye on time - Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove was asked to expand on what was meant by ‘excessive’ exercise last weekend.

He encouraged people to walk for no longer than an hour or a 30 minute run/cycle.

So a bit of planning needs to be involved, or, just walk out for 30 minutes then turn on your heels and head back at the half-hour mark!

Screen breaks - While I’ve broken this rule many a time to capture the great outdoors, try and use the time when out and about to leave your phone alone.

I think it’s safe to say most people are spending more time on phones, tablets or in front of television­s than normal.

So use this time to try and free yourself of glaring screens and absorb who and what is around you. I’ve found it liberating.

Herds on the horizon - This has happened a couple of times. While you can make adjustment­s to your course for one or two people, if a herd is walking your way (a large family) here’s where I make sure I’m well out of the way to let them pass.

There’s strength in numbers, so no stand off here, on you go people!

Rainbows with right angles? Rain may not have fallen and the sun might not be shining, but you’re almost certain to see rainbows.

That’s because families up and down the country are encouragin­g young ones to create their own colourful rainbows to place in windows or hang from fences.

This is to add a bit of colour and give children something to spot when out and about. I’ve noticed a few children point them out to their siblings or parents.

You’ll have to overcome the small matter of many of these paintings and drawings having right angles as opposed to a smooth arch. It’s fun, it’s bright, it’s a great idea.

In summary... The government are telling you to do it, so you should (if you are able to) get out the house once a day. I’m finding it essential to breaks up days, especially if you’re working from home. I don’t have the commute, the social interactio­ns, the variables of a normal working day.

If you have children, they need to get a dose of fresh air and to stretch their legs. Let off some steam.

Since the increased measures were implemente­d I’ve discovered so much more about the neighbourh­ood I live in. Buildings I’d never seen before, friends I didn’t know were in the area, routes I’d never walked down.

Exchanging pleasantri­es, no matter how brief, with other human beings in person, is nourishing for the soul and reassuring during these testing times. It beats

Facetime video chats, as fantastic as they are.

My only regret is it took a global pandemic for me to get up and out with my young family and enjoy our surroundin­gs.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Look out for rainbow pictures and look well ahead to see who’s around
Look out for rainbow pictures and look well ahead to see who’s around
 ??  ?? Minimise your phone usage
Minimise your phone usage

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