Coventry Telegraph


Coventry’s ‘legendary resilience’ leading way in coronaviru­s fight, says Midland mayor


COVENTRY is evoking its wartime “blitz spirit” as the whole city plays its part in the fight against coronaviru­s.

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street has praised the city’s volunteers businesses and NHS staff as we all band together in this difficult time.

Coventry has a history more attuned to adversity than others.

This year marks the 80th anniversar­y of the Coventry Blitz, when German bombs rained down on the city, killing hundreds and obliterati­ng the city skyline.

Then, the city’s residents joined forces to rebuild - and it’s that spirit of resilience which we are seeing emerge once again.

Mr Street said Coventry is “showing the way” when it comes to defeating coronaviru­s.

He added: “Since this outbreak began, wartime comparison­s have been common. We are proud of our incredible NHS staff on the frontline. The efforts to build the ventilator­s evoke memories of Dunkirk. The Government speaks of unpreceden­ted peacetime measures. The work of volunteers invokes the blitz spirit.

“The people of Coventry understand that spirit like few others - and I believe this city has dug deep to summon that legendary resilience and determinat­ion once again.”

In a column, Mr Street set out just how our incredible city is coming together, with everyone playing their part in the fight against coronaviru­s.

He said: “First of all, I want to pay tribute to the incredible NHS staff and care workers across Coventry who are putting themselves in harm’s way to beat this outbreak. Health workers are rightly being held up as heroes, not only by the thousands of people who applauded on their doorsteps across the city, but through hundreds of small personal tributes, from messages on social media to the dozens of restaurant­s offering deals for NHS staff.

“I am proud that Coventry’s health workers can now use public transport for free, simply by showing their NHS pass.

“In business, leading from the front as ever, is Jaguar Land Rover. The Coventry giant has already given the British Red Cross access to 57 vehicles for delivering food and medicine to vulnerable people, and is deploying more than 160 vehicles globally for use by emergency response groups tackling the coronaviru­s outbreak.

“Now JLR has also turned over its high-tech 3D printing equipment - usually used to create prototype parts - to produce protective visors for NHS staff.

“The city’s universiti­es are also playing their part in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical school research staff at Warwick University have returned to practise medicine across the region, while chemistry researcher­s have turned their skills to manufactur­ing hand sanitiser for the NHS.

“With day-to-day work at the university’s labs suspended, Coventry’s University Hospital has gratefully received their stored PPE equipment - face masks, gloves, shoe covers and protective glasses. Not all the city’s labs are closed though. Warwick Medical School’s Clinical Sciences Research Laboratori­es, right next door to the hospital, are supporting Covid-19 clinical lab work. Dozens of PHD students and research staff at Coventry University have volunteere­d to help frontline hospital staff test patients for coronaviru­s.

“Coventry University is also in the process of opening up its labs for use by the NHS for testing, and is lending equipment to the effort against COVID-19, which is being picked up and distribute­d by the military.

“Across the city, people have been moved to support each other and vulnerable residents at most risk from the outbreak. Fundraiser­s are raising cash to pay for care packages, filled with snacks and drinks, to keep NHS staff fuelled during their long shifts.

“Schools are keeping their doors open to look after the children of key workers. Coventry ring and ride minibuses are being redeployed as free shuttle buses to get NHS hospital staff and key workers to work, in a brilliant idea suggested by the drivers themselves.”

Mr Street also looked at the effect coronaviru­s is having on local businesses and the economy.

He added: “There can be no doubt that Coventry’s business community is facing its biggest ever peacetime challenge. In the space of a few weeks the economic landscape here and across the world has changed dramatical­ly, with city businesses told to close their doors and most of the population in lockdown.

“I know that across many business sectors, there will have been a huge sense of relief when Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced the Government would cover 80% of the wages of employees who are sent home, along with the deferment of VAT bills.

“The £9billion bailout for the self-employed, announced more recently, will also have brought some peace of mind to so many in our business community.

“Coventry City Council is leading the way in processing business rates rebates as quickly as possible, as we distribute more than £500 million across the region.

“I believe the strong economy we have built in Coventry will be protected as long as that cash is delivered to where it is needed.

“Let’s be clear: this city has a robust economy. As we entered this crisis, the West Midlands had reached record employment levels. I have confidence that the innovation and expertise that exists in local businesses can provide the flexibilit­y to see out the crisis.

“With the countdown continuing to the City of Culture celebratio­ns next year the arts sector is also being supported through the crisis. The Heart of England Community Foundation has launched a £60,000 Coventry 2021 Coronaviru­s Resilience Fund. The money will go towards supporting those in the sector who have hit hardship following the outbreak, offering grants of up to £1,000 for organisati­ons and £500 for individual­s.

“Like other sectors, the arts community is turning to virtual solutions to keep the cultural life of the city vibrant. For example, last month Fargo Village’s Spring Makers Market beat the lockdown by going online, with Coventry’s very best artists, makers and designers offering high quality art and design.”

Mr Street concluded by looking at efforts which are being made to stop the spread of the virus and save lives - as well as considerin­g how we will rebuild when the crisis is over.

He said: “All of this inspiratio­nal activity is in response to the greatest health crisis our nation has faced in generation­s. The grim reality is the Midlands is now the second hotspot behind London. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones to this terrible virus. We must all do our part to follow the guidelines to halt its spread.

“Coventry stands as an example of how a place can unite to overcome adversity, not just to survive and endure but to bounce back and rebuild. Once again, the people of this city are showing us just how resilient they are.”

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