Coventry Telegraph

Amazing family behind one of Cov’s most loved shops

- By NAOMI DE SOUZA Community Reporter

MEET the Coventry family who risked everything to survive.

The Pirabakara­n family - who run TK Veg in Coundon - were separated for 12 years by the Sri Lankan war and 2004 tsunami, which wiped out most of their village.

After moving to Coventry in 2018, they’ve now been praised for steering their community through the dark days of Covid-19.

While some shops capitalise­d on the urgency and early scarcity of items in March, Paramendra­m gave out free toilet paper to customers and shared his own supply of paracetamo­l with a worried parent who came in to seek help.

Speaking to the Telegraph from behind the shop counter with his wife, he said: “We came to Coventry with no family. But my customers are my family.”

When a post about the tiny off licence recently went viral on a local Facebook forum, it became apparent that the shop was more than just about giving out good bargains.

Nearly 3,000 people combined, reacted and commented to a post about TK Veg on the True Coventrian and Allesley Facebook forums.

Customers and local residents shared stories of kindness and generosity that the Pirabakara­n family had shown throughout lockdown.

The Pirabakara­n family were separated for 12 years by the Sri Lankan civil war, which saw sectarian violence rip through the country from 1983 until 2009.

The unrest centred between the majority Buddhist ethnic groups and minority groups like the largely Hindu Tamils (of which Paramendra­m and his family are part of ).

Of the 22 million people in Sri Lanka, around 70% are Buddhist and the rest comprise of minority ethnic and religious groups encompassi­ng Hindus, Muslims and Catholics.

Childhood sweetheart­s Thavachelv­i and Paramendra­m met in the Mullaitivu region of Sri Lanka. Both came from fishing families, but in 2001 Paramendra­m came to the UK to set up a better life for his family.

Little did he know it would be the last time he would see his wife Thavachelv­i and their one-and-a-half-year-old son Tharsan for 12 years.

Paramendra­m arrived in London and worked hard days in a supermarke­t, while navigating the complex process to get his wife and child to the UK.

He said: “There was a big war, and all the time people were dying. It was a very bad situation, I missed my family, lost my mum in the tsunami and more than 50 relatives as well as the whole of my village went into the sea.

“After not seeing my son after 12 years, he was 13 and very tall. Twelve years apart was very hard, but I want to thank this country for saving my life. I see a different life here now.”

In the midst of this, the 2004 tsunami hit Sri Lanka and wiped out the coastal regions, including their village in the Mullaitivu region.

Thavachelv­i and Tharsan survived thanks to a chance decision to travel to the nearest city the night before, but most of their family including Paramendra­m’s mother were killed.

At the same time, the civil war raged on and to this day like many families, Thavachelv­i is searching for her brother who remains missing.

Amazingly, while they were separated, the couple wrote more than 1,000 letters to each other.

Back in Sri Lanka, Thavachelv­i would wait for the postman every morning to hear of news from London. She said: “I wanted to join my husband, I never forgot to write letters. Letters helped us survive.”

Tears fill their eyes as the recall missed funerals of loved ones, key milestones, and those whose whereabout­s remain unknown.

It was a good day when the family were reunited in 2010. From starting life destined to become a fisherman, Paramendra­m had flipped his fortunes, and worked tirelessly so he could provide for his family.

He said: “I want to give a good opportunit­y for my family that’s why we were searching to buy a shop so that the shop can be run by the family. In London when I was going to work, my wife and the kids were alone at the house.”

He went on to say: “I feel like if I’ve got the shop they can help me run the business and help relax their mind.”

Like many first generation immigrant families, they also send money back to family in Sri Lanka, ensuring they can leave a legacy and support a better future for relatives back home.

So why does he do it? Paramendra­m said: “I want to build this shop, and do a good service to the community. Throw good seeds on the land, and good things will grow.”

As we stood to interview the family, customers expressed their best wishes. Brendon Mcshane said: “They didn’t put any prices up during the lockdown or anything like that. It was the same price, they gave you a toilet roll for free and kept some behind for customers and the hand sanitiser, he’d fill up your little bottle for free.

“He’s always welcoming, and if you ask for something and they’ve haven’t got it they’ll go to the cash and carry and by the time you come back they’ll have the item you asked for.”

We asked members of local Facebook forums to share their experience­s of the shop, here are just come of the comments.

Samantha Jarvis said: “He’s great we are very local . My daughter was ill with Covid-19 and we were isolating. He kept us going with necessitie­s and even put them aside for us so they did not sell out before it was delivered. Asked everyday after us all. He really looked after us and the community and we are proud to use and support this business and have such thoughtful owners. Think everyone will agree .”

Phil Hodgkinson said: “He has always been a great shop, such a helpful family run business.”

Becky Carley Prosser said: “I have lived in Coundon and used this shop for the past 40yrs. The owners now are absolutely brilliant. They are always happy and friendly and always ready to talk, like to have a laugh with the customers and always ask how you are. Anything you need they won’t hesitate to help.”

She added: “At the height of the Covid-19 pandemic they would make sure that the older residents didn’t go without. They would keep stock back just for them. If they haven’t got it then they will try to get it. Very nice people, couldn’t ask for better. Thank you Paramendra­m and family. You are wonderful.”

Fionnuala Fisher said: “They are always so friendly. During the pandemic they pointed out things they have which was unavailabl­e in other shops eg flour, toilet roll, paracetamo­l and would put some aside for us. They bought our 5 year old son a birthday present and regularly give him sweets for free! We’ve seen him let people off paying when they have been short of cash and trusts them to pay next time they come in. They are without a doubt local heroes.”

A former employee of the shop, Georgia Hover, also got in touch with us and said: “I had the best time working for them! Like literally! They are all the most polite, welcoming, loving family. They took me on when I was looking for work, when I

was ready to give up on it all because I just couldn’t find a job. They asked me to help them with their English words and their little boy has come A LONG WAY!”

She added: “He couldn’t say anything other than hello when I first started and now everytime I go in, he is always talking to me, full conversati­on, it’s amazing and I’m so so honoured to have worked with them and to get to see them progress in everything. They’ve put a lot into that company and I couldn’t be prouder. I wish them all the best, they’re amazing.”

It is remarkable to think of the social and economic barriers this family have battled through to get to where they are. Perhaps because they have endured so much, the future is more exciting, than daunting.

As Paramendra­m and Thavachelv­i walk us through their plans to expand the shop, it is clear TK Veg is their pride. After all, with it being named after their sons Tharsan and Kirujan, why wouldn’t it be.

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