Coventry Telegraph

Warning after ‘slight increase’ in Covid cases in Coventry


THE number of new coronaviru­s cases in Coventry have increased after lockdown easing, with residents being warned by the council not to be complacent in following government guidelines.

Coventry’s top public health official Liz Gaulton said there has been a “slight increase” of cases in the past 10 days, rising from up to three a day to up to seven.

These have nearly all been people of working age who have not needed hospital treatment but live across the city rather than in one area or of one demographi­c.

While not a rapid rise, it is a sustained increase that should act as a reminder to residents to continue to follow guidance on social distancing, hand-washing and face masks, she said.

Despite the increase, the overall number of positive tests remain low, with an infection rate of 6.8 cases per 100,000 people, compared to a West

Midland Combined Authority rate 8.49 and a rate in Leicester of 159.1 when it went into further lockdown measures earlier this month.

Speaking at the meeting on Monday, July 27, the city’s director of Public Health Liz Gaulton said: “Coventry has been doing really well in terms of numbers of cases.

“They have been very low but over the last 10 days we have started to see a slight increase of cases and we have had one small outbreak which we are aware of so we are looking at that data very closely.

“The important messages in terms of social distancing, isolating if you have been near somebody with symptoms and indeed if you have any symptoms yourself have never been more important.

“What we are seeing is probably as a result of the easing of lockdown and people socialisin­g more but we really need to be extremely vigilant still about this.

“We are seeing in the city between one and three cases a day for the last two or three weeks up until about 10 days ago. Over the last 10 days that has moved to between four and seven cases a day.

“It is not a very rapid increase but it seems to be a sustained increase in cases within the city.

“I must re-emphasise we started from a very small number within Coventry as we had a very flat tail to the pandemic curve in terms of cases which really dropped off in Coventry but we are now starting to see small numbers re-emerging.”

To book a Covid-19 test, visit www.­s or dial 119. All tests are free and anyone asking you to pay for one means it will be a scam.

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