Coventry Telegraph

Boris has delivered his election promise


BORIS Johnson recently marked the first anniversar­y of his becoming Prime Minister.

Regardless of what people may think about the way the government has handled the coronaviru­s crisis, Boris has already delivered on the cornerston­e policy of his general election campaign last year which was to ‘Get Brexit Done’.

It was achieved after three years of shilly shallying by the ineffectua­l Theresa May and Labour’s shameless agitating for a second referendum on our EU membership, ignoring the will of the 17.6 million British people who voted to leave the EU in 2016.

Boris has also shown that he is perfectly willing to walk away from the transition period at the end of this year without a deal if the United Kingdom’s status as an independen­t, sovereign coastal state is not respected, in stark contrast to his predecesso­r who allowed herself to be bullied and treated with contempt by the bureaucrat­s in Brussels.

P. Sheehan, Coventry.

Coronaviri­s remains a real threat to us all

WHO says this coronaviri­s pandemic is behind us? Not me, that’s for sure.

With second waves trundling through Europe it surely is only a matter of time before it strikes here again.

We must continue to take all precaution­s as another national lockdown could just about finish this country off.

Please continue to wear masks and wash your hands. This won’t be over until we get a vaccine and that as we are told could be sometime next year.

If Europe is struggling to contain it now then the flu-season winter months will be a real test for us all.

J. Hartshorn, Nuneaton.

 ??  ?? JULY, 1981: The wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. The children from Charlewood Road, Whitmore Park, Coventry, cheer the newlyweds.
JULY, 1981: The wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. The children from Charlewood Road, Whitmore Park, Coventry, cheer the newlyweds.

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